chapter three: the meeting.

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Deans pov~

We were on the road, cas told us the exact location of my daughter, i was nervous to meet her.. what would she say? Does she know me? What about rosa? Too many thoughts were swimming in my head to the point i didn't hear sam calling me.



"We arrived Houston."

"Oh, ok cool."

"Cool? Thats all you have to say?"

"What do you want me to say sam?"

"Dude, we're meeting your daughter for the first time and you think its cool?"

"I think dean is a little nervous." Cas said.

"Nervous? Me? Dean Winchester does get nervous."

"Yeah ok tough guy. Take a left." Sam sarcastically said.

It was mid day, we arrived in a open area with a lot of people and alot of awesome cars.

"Are you sure shes here?" I asked cas.

"Yes dean, i dont get things wrong."

I rolled my eyes while sam chuckled.
We got of the car and started searching the crowd for a 19 year old. I mean what the hell is she doin here?
People started goin in their cars, i guess its a race.

"I think this is a race." Sam stated.

"Ya no shit."

"Dean look there." Cas said pointing at a girl riding her car.

We went closer to her car to take a closer look at her. And then she looked my way and everything froze. It was her. I didn't know what to do so i just kept staring. She did to, i think she recognized me. But then the race started and she drove.

She won! She freaking won. She was about to ride her car but sam shouted.


He dragged me along with him to her. She stopped and looked at us, waiting for us to talk.

"Uh im sam this is my brother dean and our friend cas."

"Okay?" She said.

"Uhh well ummm dean want to talk to you so uhh dean?"

I cleared my throat and said

"Hi im dean."

"We acknowledged that, yes dean?"

"Whats your name?" I asked although i do know her name.

"Uhh listen dude im not interested."

"Wait that wasn't my intentions."

"Then could you just spit it out?"

"I dont know if you know this but uhhh im your father."

She stared at me with no emotions. At all. I was getting kinda nervous.

"I know."


"Uhh you know?"

"Ya i know, you're dean Winchester met my mom in a bar about 20 years a go, right?"

"Yeah. Thats me."

"Ok so what do you want?"

Is she serious? Isn't obvious?

"Im your father." I said slowly.

She smiled and said "nahh your just a sperm donor."

"Ouch" sam whispered.

"Listen, i dont know what you were expecting of a reaction from me but i really dont care. And i wont so why dont you take your ass back to what ever hell hole you came from." She said furious.

"I just wanted to meet you, get to know you better."

"Your 19 years late buddy."

I honestly dont know what to say.

"Why didnt you pick up the phone?" She asked.

I stayed silent.

"Ya thats what i thought."

She rode her car and drove off.

We stayed in silence before sam interrupted it.

"Well, that went great."

"I dont think it went great sam, dean is upset hows that great?"

"Im being sarcastic cas."

"Alright, shut up you two." I sighed.

"Lets just get a room for the night and then head off home alright."

"Yeah ok." Sam said.

We walked over my baby and drove.

I really didn't know what i was expecting. I just wanted to see her i guess. She knows me. I guess rosa talked about me to her. Rosa. Where is she? Why wasn't she with stella?

We found a motel, and would you look at that, the same car stella was driving was in the parking lot. What a small world we live in, aint it.


Chapter three!! Hope you liked it!!
And question.. should i continue this story??

Let me know!! ♡


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