chapter eleven: new friend.

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Stella pov~

I've been in the bunker for a week now, jack and i are getting closer, we've been doing everything together.

One day i thought him how to make pancakes.

"Ok, first we get the ingredients."

We searched for the ingredients and luckily we found everything we needed.

"Mix 'em up."

Jack started mixing the ingredients while i heated the pan.

"Alright, great job, now we take what we have and put it in the pan in sections. Like this."

I showed him how.

"Wanna try?"

"I think I'll mess everything up."

"No you wont, its very easy, here try."

And somehow he did it perfectly.

It was the best pancakes I have ever eaten.

Another day, he showed me his power and explained everything.

We were sitting on my bed, across of each other.

"So, you're the son of lusifer?"




"The archangel?"

"Yes." He said slowly.

"But... are you sure?"

He thought for a second.

"Yes. Im pretty sure. But i don't consider him as my father. Cas is my father."

I was dumbfounded. WHAT. how can this kid be satan's son?? He's sweet and caring. HOW!

"Wanna see something cool?" He said excited.

"Ya sure." I said smiling.

His eyes turned gold and an golden aura shot out his hand surrounding us. It was dreamy.

Ofcourse dean realized how close we were getting, so one day he confronted me about it.

I just woke up, went to the kitchen to get coffee and dean was already there with his own cup of coffee. I got mine and sat across from him.


"Morning dean."

We sat in comfortable silence, till he decided to cut it.

"So.. you and jack, huh?" He asked.

"What about us?"

"Nothing, you guys getting close."

"Ya, he's my friend."

"Friend?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes, friend." I said, narrowing my eyes back at him.

"Ya sure."

"We are!"

"Ya ok i believe you." He said. And i know he doesn't believe me.

"Dean, we're just friends, no more no less. Kay?"


He still doesn't believe me.

Sam been teaching me about monsters, demons and angels more.

"So holy water is aced to them. And to send the demon back to hell we read this  Exorcism."

"Huh interesting. Is that latin?"


"Do i have to memorize it in latin?"

"Well, do you wanna send the demon back to hell?"


"Then yes, you should memorize it in latin."

"Ughhhh, this is going to be a bitch."

He chuckled.

"Here, I'll help you."

Cas on the other hand tought me self defense. And dame! That angle can kick ass.

I fall for the millionth time on the floor.


"Put your arms higher, and steady your posture."

"High high captin."

He smiles.


"Am i ever gonna be good at this."

"Yes you will. You just need to practice thats all."

He saw me unconvinced.

"Dont pressure yourself stella. Practice makes perfect." He warmly smiles.

"Alright cassy. Lets do it again."

What a week it has been.


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