chapter eight: the hunt 2.0

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Deans pov~

"Ye...." then i heard the phone fall.

"Stella? Stella? Are you there?"

Dead line.

"Hurry sam!"

We were running to the back of the motel where stella told where the door was.

But there was no door.

"Do you see a door?" I asked.

"No, keep searching!"

"STELLA!" me and sam shouted.

Then sam got hit by a baseball bat. It was the ghost. I shoot it with rocksalt and it disappeared then reappeared next to me swinging the bat. I held the bat but the ghost pushed me with its power and i hit the floor.

I looked at sam with my blurry eyes and he was struggling with the ghost.
I ran to them and pushed the ghost off of sam with my body and it disappeared only to appear again and kick me in the face.

Sam got his shootgun and shoot the ghost but it appeared again and pull the gun out of his hand and pushed him with his power. He started walking towards sam.

Suddenly the ghost stops and fire was surrounding him, it screamed to its death. Sam got up and looked at me confused, i held the same expression. Then we heard banging.

Stella pov~

I woke up in the same room i found the body to hear someone fighting outdoors.

I panicked, i didn't know wheres my flashlight, it was completely dark, i started searching for it then found it feets away from me, turned it on.

I remembered sam explaining how to kill a ghost. Salt and burn.

I started looking around for salt and something to burn the body. The room was packed with stuff, i found salt in a cabinet, now all i need is a lighter. The fighting out side is getting louder, i found a lighter.

I sprinkled salt on every inch of the body and then opened the lighter and throw it to his body.

It was on fire and the room is getting hotter, with no window and the door closed i was suffocating.

I started coughing and went up stairs to the door and started banging hoping sam and dean would hear me.


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