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*Trigger Warning-don't read if its gonna trigger you.If you feel like harming yourself or suicidal or depressed,talk to me.I will try my best to understand your situation and help you out.Don't feel like you're alone.You are not alone ,lovely readers.😊♥️*

You never love yourself half as much as I love you
You'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to
If I let you know, I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you

Niall was at the studio today,recording songs for his new album which means you were alone at home.You cleaned around the house then sat in front of the television to watch your favourite movie,High School Musical.Later,when you were cooking you decided to make Oreo Truffle Cake for Niall.It was his favourite.When you were checking all the ingredients,you realized that you have run out of few so you decided to go and get the required ingredients.
After buying the ingredients you went to Starbucks and ordered Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino.You sat on a nearby table.You were texting Niall while waiting for your order.

You:Hey babe, how's the recording going?

Niall:It's going really great love.The songs sound amazing and I can't wait for my fans to hear the album.

You:I am so happy and proud of you.A little surprise when you get back home <3

Niall:Can't wait to shower you with kisses ; )

"Looks like someone has taken out the double meaning."you thought to yourself.You took your coffee and sat down on the table.Two girls approached your table.They seemed to be 19-20 years old.

"Aren't you Y/N?Niall's girlfriend?"

"I am.Nice to meet you girls"You said with a smile on your face.

"Well we just want to tell you that you are really ugly and you should leave Niall alone.He deserves much better."

Even though their words stung you, you tried your best to stay strong.

"We love each other and he makes me happy."

"Shut up bitch.Stop talking shits.You are with Niall just because of his fame.You are a fucking gold digger."The second girl joined in.

"You can never make Niall happy.You are not even beautiful and have a horrible fashion sense.Just go and rot in hell."

You were crying by now.Suddenly,you felt a burning sensation.You noticed that one of the girls' have poured hot coffee on you and the other was filming it.You left your coffee and made your way out of Starbucks towards your home.

When you reached home,you were an emotional mess.Your arms and stomach were burning.You felt so lonely and helpless.This was not the first time you got hate.Hate started since day 1,when you had started dating Niall.You kept to yourself and never told anyone about it,not even your best friend.Sometimes,you cry alone, thinking about it.It was hard but you never opened up about it to anyone.You were scared of the reactions.
You threw all your grocery in the kitchen and took out your phone.That video was everywhere on social media and your phone was exploding with Instagram and Twitter notifications.

@y/t/n The girls are right.No one deserves you ,skinny slut.

@y/t/n just go and kill yourself.I wanna see Niall happy again.

@y/t/n Leave Niall's ass.You are a fucking bitchy slut.

@y/t/n You are ugly and worthless.You don't even have a style.You resemble garbage.


You had enough.

You switched off your phone and tossed it on the floor.You opened your clothes until you were standing in your bra and undies.Your stomach and left arm had become reddish.You let the hate get to you.You opened the cabinet and reached for the razors.You stared at them for sometime.You felt as if the razor was calling you.

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