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I was kinda confused.Do I call it "NIALL:SOCCER MATCH" or a variation of it,or "NIALL:CUTE" so I labelled it as "A NIALL HORAN IMAGINE".Hope you all like it.💙


Niall and Y/N have been dating for two years and they couldn't be any more happier.You both are the cutest couple, according to the fans.Niall is over the moon to have you as his girlfriend.He has helped you overcome all the hate from the fans which you used to get when you became official.
Today,Niall will be playing for Soccer Aid.He has been training and practising for weeks.He was very excited for the game.You too were excited and cannot wait to cheer for Niall on the top of your voice.You wore a crop top and your favourite pair of shorts with pink converse.You left your lovely y/h/c hair open.Niall just wore a casual T-Shirt and shorts.

"Y/n?Are you ready?"

"Yup.I am."You replied, descending the stairs.

"Beautiful as always."

"Thank you babe."You said,lightly kissing his cheek.

"So we leave now?"He asked, pointing towards the door.

"Yes!I can't wait to cheer for you!"

"In that case,what are we waiting for?Let's go!"

After half an hour,you reached the stadium.When you reached the stadium,you saw many fans have gathered to wish good luck to Niall.Niall and you went to the fans.The fans were calm and lovely,they didn't pressurize anything.After signing autographs and clicking pictures,you both went inside.

"Jeremy will be there with you when you will be in the special Spectator Box along with the others...."

You nodded your head.

".....cheering for the amazing Mr Niall James Horan."He finished his sentence with a big smile.

You smiled at what he said and pulled him for a hug.You placed your head in the crook of his neck as you gently rubbed his back.

"Best of luck Ni.Give your best out there.I know you will win."You whispered softly.

"Thanks babe.Enjoy your time here."He said ,kissing your forehead.

"Sorry!I'm a bit late."Jeremy walked over, panting.

"Not at all Jeremy.You're perfectly on time."Niall said, giving him a side hug.

"So how are you Niall?Been a long time mate."

"Never better.I am gonna be here in London for the next few months before I leave for tour so I guess I'll see you around."

"Absolutely.You will."

"So Jeremy, here's Y/N.Take good care of her.She is my precious diamond."Niall smiled at you.

"Of course!Best of luck Niall!"

"Thanks mate!"

"So how are you Y/N?"Jeremy shakes hands with you.

"I am fine.How about you?How's Victoria and little Melina doing?"

"We all are fine.Melina was being a little fussy so Victoria decided that she'll take care of the baby and stay back at home."

"I can't wait to meet them!"You said as you followed Jeremy to the box.

You and Jeremy sat on your seats.There were quite a few familiar faces,but you didn't know their names.
They probably are the tour managers and employees.
After some time,the match begun.You were screaming and cheering for Niall on the top of your voice.For once,you thought Jeremy would leave you alone and run away because of the way you were screaming but you were surprised when you saw Jeremy cheering for Niall,his voice at the same decible as yours.Niall's team were playing amazingly.They had practiced hard for this and you wanted Niall's team to win.

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