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The sun had slowly started setting outside.You were standing in your balcony, overlooking the beautiful city of London.You were busy thinking and in your own little world when you heard the door being slammed.You knew it was Harry even though he wasn't expected to be back home in another hour or so.

You went downstairs to see him sitting on the couch with his face on his hand and his curly hair was going in different directions.It took you a second to realise that he have had a bad day at work because normally when he would come home,he would take you in his arms and kiss you all over your face and tell you how much he has missed you.You went and sat beside him and put one arm around his arm while your other arm was softly rubbing his back.You could hear sniffles coming from him.Slowly and softly,you turned him to face you and embraced him in your arms.Thats when he broke down into tears.You just held him close, letting him know that you are there for him no matter what happens.

After a good cry of 20 minutes,you said,"Do you wanna talk about it love?".

He wiped his tears and shifted in his place and replied,"I had a bad day at work.I messed up my vocals.Niall and I were messing around when I fell down the stairs and my back and knees hurt badly.Later, we had an interview where I had to sit on a stool for 2 hours and my back is killing me and the lady kept on asking me questions about being a "teenage hearthrob" and "manwhore".And the usual hate.This is all too much for me."He kept saying in between sniffles.

"Oh Hazza",I said and brought his forehead against mine so that our foreheads were touching each other.

"There,now all my goodluck has been transferred to you and all your bad luck has been transferred to me.Tomorrow will be a better day,I promise."

He smiled and I held his face in my hands.His tear stained cheeks and dark circles under his eyes broke my heart.I wiped the remaining tears with the tip of my fingers and embraced him,his head resting on the croon of my neck.

"We have to take care of your knees and back.How about I arrange a nice and warm bath for you.While you are having your bath,I'll make your favourite chicken Parm and chocolate trifle and we can watch your favourite movie while having dinner."

He broke the embrace and looked at me,his green eyes sparkling like a small child on the morning of Christmas Eve.

"And then we can cuddle all night until we fall asleep holding onto each other!"

"Absolutely! Anything to make my Harry Bear happy."

"Hun I love you so much.You never fail to make me happy."He said ,taking my face in his arms and caressing my cheeks with his soft hands.

"I love you too.More than you will ever know."

I got lost in his green eyes and then I felt our lips touching.After a long passionate kiss,I took his hand and helped him to the bathroom.

"First let me take care of your knees love."

He slowly pulled down his knees and I could see a bluish-black bruise forming on both knees,the right one being larger than the left one.

"Is it paining?"

"Yeah,it does." He replied with a frown.

You held an ice pack on the bruise for 20 minutes and then applied Vitamin K cream to lessen the pain.You heated the water in the bathtub and helped Harry to get in there.While he was having a warm bath and relaxing,you came down to the Kitchen to make dinner.After sometime,you went to check on Harry when you heard singing coming from inside.You heard it from outside and figured out the words.

Just one touch and I was a believer
Every kiss it gets a little sweeter
It's getting better
Keeps getting better all the time girl

You joined in during the chorus.

They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the "I love yous"
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby, they don't know about
They don't know about us

"It's my favourite song from the album." You said smiling, helping him stand up and dry himself with the towel.

"I know love,it's my favourite too."
He said, smiling back.

"Let me apply this ointment,it will help to lessen the pain on your back."

He turned his back towards me and let me apply the ointment on him.I gave him a pair of shorts and a baggy t shirt to wear.We came downstairs and debated between Coco and Inside Out,finally settling with Coco.He stretched his legs out on the coffee table and his head on my lap.When the dinner was ready,I brought it out in the living room.After a tasty dinner, we cuddled while watching movies untill we both fell asleep in each other's arms, holding close to each other.


Hey everyone!!This is my first imagine and I hope you all like it.Let me know how is it in the comments.All my love.♥️

Check out my Little Things Preferences.Niall's is my favourite!🙈❤️

Also,I have a second book titled "Falling".Its a Harry Styles Fanfiction.I would really appreciate if you all check that out as well.😊


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