21: Christmas

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"Santa came! Santa came!" Soph yelled running into our room, now big enough for a toddler bed so she can get out of it whenever she pleases.

Turning over, I was met with her excited big blue eyes; making me smile instantly "Soph, Santa doesn't come til next week"

"How you know that?" She joined us on the bed

"Because he called Mummy last night to make sure you were being good" I looked her, but she was already looking at Laur.

"You talked with Santa?!" Soph got overly excited again

"I did" Laur giggled " are you still being good?"

Soph nodded her head and focused on me "but daddy, why are there pwesents already under the twee?"

"Well, they are for you, mummy, me, Uncle Calum, Aunt Casey and Uncle Michael, Aunt Emilee, Uncle Ashton and Aunt Carter" I smiled at her

"Oooohs. Daddy, can we eat now?"


"I feel like a balloon" Casey whined

Since Laur, Soph and I were leaving for the states for a few days we decided to have a little get together before we leave.

"Now you know how I felt like the first time around" Laur giggled while putting a hand on her bump "when are you due again?"

Calum perked his head up and smiled "literally any day now. I'm so excited"

"Yeah, well you're not the one who's carrying the baby" Casey glared at him

"Holy shit" Michael laughed "you both just sounded like Laur and Luke"

"Nah, that was more like you and Emilee" Ashton giggled

"Sorry babe, but Ash is right" Em giggled

We started talking about everything that has happened in the last couple months when all of a sudden Casey stood up and turned her back to us with the sound of water hitting the floor.

"Oh my god. Oh my god! I think my water is breaking!" Casey yelled

All of us stood up immediately to help her, but she only turned around with a smirk playing on her lips

"I got you, I got you, I got all of you" Casey said pointing at all of us in the room with a now empty water bottle.

"Fuck, that wasn't funny" Ashton said with his hand over his chest

"Uncle Ash! Swear jar!" Soph giggled

"I believe uncle Michael owes it too" I told her and watched her take the jar over to ashton and Michael.

"Seriously, that wasn't even funny" Carter giggled "I'd never play a prank like that, is just cruel!"

"But Cal's face was absolutely priceless!" Casey giggled before her face turned to true panic "oh my god"

"Ha, real funny Case" Emilee said

"I don't think you're going to fool this group again" I joined in the laughter

"Guys, I'm not kidding this time. My water seriously just broke" Casey's eyes widen as she look at Calum with terror

"Yeah, she's not kidding. It's baby time!" Laur said while everyone else was getting up to help Casey


Cullen Thomas Hood came into our family weighing in at 7lbs 10oz and 22 inches long. And was a spitting image of Calum it wasn't even funny.

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