24: Alex

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"Wait, how did you tell Luke you were ready to have sex?" Ashton asked cracking up

I smirked and looked at Laur who's face was red as an apple "you can put your hands on me, in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream toniiiiiigt" I sang

Even though she was embarrassed she still smiled "shut up. It was a popular song at the time and i thought it was funny cause you guys covered the song"

"At least she didn't just throw you on the bed like Carter did" Ashton laughed again

"I did not!" Carter's face was redder than Laur's

"You did so!" Ashton giggled "but I'm not complying, I'm impressed"

"Alright alright enough sex talk" I chuckled "how's the wedding planning going?"

Carter beamed "absolutely amazing! Although this one can't doing anything with her dress until little Matthew arrives" she pointed at Laur

Laur laughed "I'm sorry! We didn't want to tell anyone that we were planning for another baby"

"Yeah yeah, whatever" Carter smiled before looking at Ashton "and we were thinking about having Sophia as the flower girl"

"That would be entirely so cute" Iaur gushed

I called Soph over and out her on my lap "hey Mumble"

"Hey daddy" Soph giggled

"Uncle Ashton and Aunt Carter have a question for you"

"Ohtay" Soph giggled again before getting off my lap and settling in Ashton's

"Little Miss Sophia, would you like to be in our wedding and be the flower girl?" Ashton asked her

"I get fwowers?!" Soph beamed

Carter giggled "you do! So what do you say?"

"Yes!" Soph giggled again and kissed Ashtons cheek


We had just gotten home from Mum's house when there was a knock at the door

"Are you expecting anyone?" I asked Laur

"No, are you?" Laur asked back


Walking up to the door, I looked through the peep hole and there stood a dark haired guy standing nervously rocking back and forth on his feet. Hesitantly i opened the door "can I help

"Uh, hi? God I know this is late, but is Lauryn home? I'm her brother Alex" he said.


You have got to be kidding me.

Immediately I felt my jaw tighten and my eyes narrowed at him "why are you here"

"I just came to talk to my sister. That's all" replied Alex

"Oh now she's your sister?! Because I'm pretty sure you told her, that she was dead to you" I snapped

"Look, it was a mistake-"

"A mistake my ass dude. Look you need to go. It's because of you that she has to be on bed rest the rest of her pregnancy for high blood pressure. It's because of you that she feels like she's lost a brother, and it is certainly because of you that my daughter and unborn son will not have you in their lives!"

"Can I just apologize to her. Maybe she'll understand" Alex tried

"I don't think so. You need to leave. Now" I turned around to walk back inside and slammed the door shut. Who the hell did he think he was showing up here like that? Now all of a sudden he wanted to be a brother? I smell bullshit

"Luke?" Laur's soft voice broke my thoughts "are you okay?"

I didn't realize I was pacing around the living room with my nostrils flaring until Laur stopped me "I'm fine. Are you okay, love?"

Laur nodded her head and pulled me close into a tight embrace. "That was Alex, wasn't it?" She said after a moment

I nodded my head "but let's not worry about him right now. How about a nice hot bath? Yeah?"

Laur giggled "always know how to make me feel better"

I kissed her "I'm the husband, I'm supposed to. Where's Soph?"

"She feel asleep almost immediately after her bath"

"Let's hope we can do the same" I smiled down at her


as I was descending down the stairs, I heard talking coming from the kitchen, walking in I noticed Laur on her iPad Skyping someone "who you talking too?"

"Em. She's helping me plan out Matthews nursery"

"But I thought we were going to do that" I pouted at her

"We are babe" Laur giggled "em's just helping me find everything. You and I are putting it all together this weekend"

I nodded my head and leaned down to kiss her cheek "makes sense"

"Do us all a favor and put a shirt on. No one wants to see your bare chest" Laur giggled

"I beg to differ, the fans do" I smirked at her just as she took her phone out and took a picture.

Laur_Barr: someone doesn't know what a shirt is..... Pic.twitter.com/FkakfgUnf59bF

I looked at her "well that was rude.... Hey is that Mikey?!" I glanced back at the iPad

"Lukey!" Michael yelled "Jesus man, put a shirt on"

"Say it again and see what happens" I told him

So Michael said it again and the next thing I did was pull my pants down to moon him. Michael belly laughed "dude you're gross"

"Daddy! I see you butt!" Soph giggled

"And I've seen you butt!" I told Soph and winked at her. We finished up talking to Em and Michael and just ended up staring at each other.

"What?" Laur whispered after a while

I smiled and shook my head "nothing, just thinking"

"Thinking about what?" Laur wiggled her eyebrows

"Thinking how I'm the luckiest guy in the world"


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