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The drizzle poured the asphalted road near the pine forest in the Chaoyang District area. There were a few police cars parked on the roadside, and some of the police officers swept the forest area as there has found a dead body of a young girl in a horrible way of dead. The girl has reported missing a few days ago and now found dead. It was a gruesome sight to the people since the girl has died with a slit of knife on her throat and abdomens was tore wide opened, with the organs scattered around near the body.

"Sir! It's the second case this month. The way she dies is the same as the previous one that we found two weeks ago. Kidnapped, raped and killed. Then the murderer just dumped their body anyhow anywhere...!" one of the police officers reported their disccovery to the man in black leather jacket.

"How long has she die?" asked the detective.

"The forensic said, she died around 1 or 2 Am last night...!"

"Is there anything else he left?" asked the man who seemed the head officer or detective.

"No, Sir! There is no finger prints or anything to trace the culprit!" answered the police officer.

The detective nodded. Then he gestured the officer to continue his work while he inpected the giel's body.

The girl was aged around 11 or 12. The slit on her neck was clean and neat, means the killer was expert and no hesitation when they did it. Then his eyes trailed the wound on her stomach. it was a big torn taht exposed the body organs, and the killer just took them out and made them scattered on the ground.

The detective squinted his eyes at the gruesome sight before his eyes. He got up and looked around. He saw an officer was interviewing a civilian. He walked to them.

"Any eveidence? Witness?' asked the detective.

The officer and the man turned to him.

"Sir! This man the one who discovered the body and reported to us!" said the officer.

The Detective looked at the man in his late 30s. The man looked back at him.

"What time did you find it?' asked the Detective.

"Around 7 this morning...!" answered the man.

"What are you doing in the forest so early?' asked the Detective again.

"I came here regularly in teh weeekend to go for fishing in the river inside the forest," replied the man.

"alone?" the detective creased hi forehead.

"I usualy come here with my two other friends. But today they said they would come late. So I go ahead before them. Because from here, we need to take the journey by foot around 3 kilometers to reach the river. When I was walking to the forest, I saw a bulky black plastic bag under the pine tree. So I came closer to check what it was. And then... You know what it tis now!" the man covered his mouth when he remebered the gruesome scene he had seen earlier.

"Now where is your friends? Have they supposed to reach here already?' asked th edetective.

"I called them to not come over for fishing today because of this. I also don't think want to go anymore. Remember about the girl's condition also gives me goosebump and nauseous already...!" said the man.

The detective heaved a long breath, He looked around the forest, There was nothing unusaul to be seen.

"Can I go home now? I hae told ypu everything!" the man pleaded.

The detective turned around and walked a little further from the man, gesturing the officer to come with him. They stood while eyes darting to the fisher.

"Did you find any suspicious thing in him?' asked the detective.

"No, Sir. Everything seemed as natural as it is. Nothing suspicious about him..!' replied the officer.

The detective sighed. Eyes wandering around the top of  the pine trees.

"Just let  him off. But we still keep an eye on him. Collect the information about him...!" said the detective.

"Yes, Sir!" replied the officer. Then he went back to the man and talked to him.

A few hours later, the police ended their inspection in the discovery area with nothing that led them to the culprit. The police went back to the police department only with the young girl's dead body to be inspected furthermore by the police forensic doctor.


Detectie Wang Yibo was a young and promising detective in the Chaoyang Police Departement. He had cracked the puzzles of the cases he handed over and succeed to seize and put the culprits behind the metal bars. Mostly the cases was robbery, kidnapping and murders. And the resent case was a little tough to him to crack about. He didn't have any partners. He always work alone in solving the cases since his partner died, shot by the gangster in the robbery case a year ago.

Somebody threw a file on his table, snapped him from studying the recent case. He was checking the pictures of the two young girls that found dead in the same condition. He galnced at the file, then looked up at the culprit. He gazed at the man in his 50s in front of him with a shrp gaze.

"I think you need a partner to solve this case!" said the man. Maybe the Police Chief.

"I can do it by myself," said Wang Yibo, then turned his gaze back to his computer.

"Yibo! You can keep doing it alone! You need a partner to cover you up!" The Chief said in a stern voice.

"I don't need any partners!" hissed Wang Yibo.

"Of course you do! Stop blamming yourself for the dead of Chang Feng! It wasn't your fault!'

"Chief! I don't even know this guy! He is from other departement, right? He's not even a police officer. He's an agent who will take over our case!" Wang Yibo raised his voice.

"You can cooperative,, ma?'

"People from NCB are not fun to work with!' replied Wang Yibo.

"We are not going to have fun, Yibo! We are going to solve the case and catch the murder! The murder, Yibo!" the Chief was done with him.

Wang Yibo ruffled his hair and messed it up.

"He'll come this afterrnoon. You better behave, Yibo! He's the best agent in NCB. And we trust you won't let us down!" warned the Chief. Then he left from Wang Yibo's office.

Wang Yibo kicked the trash can under his desk.

"Why must take teh people from NCB?" he grumbled. Then he ggrabbed the thin file on his desk that threw by the Chief.

It has been a month from the first Young girls dicovered died, then two weeks later anothe girl found dead, too. And the police had no clue at all about the killer. The killer might planned to do their next move before they realized it.

"Agent Xiao Zhan. 28 years old. Had won many awards from the cases he had solved in the National China Bureu, Beijing... Bla bla bla bla....What the hell...!" Wang Yibo slammed the file on the table and groaned. He realy didn't like to be paired with another agent. He was a hard to get along with other officers and not easy to trust others. He wanted to work alone. He was capable to solve all the cases and cracked all the puzzles and connect them by himself as he always did.

"Why should they paired me with an agent, anyway? Why not the other detective? Agent from Interpol always think they are superior...!" Wang Yibo grumbled while flipping the pages of the file until he reached the page of a single photo on it.

"Oohh... This is Agent Xiao Zhan. He's hot... WAIT! WHAATTTT???? The fuck I was saying?" Wang Yibo shook his head and closed the file and slipped into the chest drawer.

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