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The next day Xiao Zhan was getting ready to work. It was his first day to go back to the headquarter after his vacation. He poured the coffee he just brew earlier into a cup. He didn't have a chance to sit on the table. He took the coffee because it was a must morning routine, otherwise he'll get a headache. He leaned on the kitchen counter and sipped his coffee. He needed to rush to the office after he was being late enough to go, because in the very early morning he woke up and checked the attic out after he heard the sound last night. But it turned out there was nothing. Not even a rat as he predicted. Maybe they run away already last night.

Xiao Zhan put the cup down after he finished half of the content. Then he rushed to grab the coat on the coat's hanger near the front door. But he paused when his eyes caught something on the coffee table in the living room. He turned his head to the coffee table. He furrowed his brows when he saw a mug that Wang Yibo usually used when he was in the house on the coffee table.

Xiao Zhan walked to the coffee table out of curiosity. He took the mug and sniffed it. Inside was just plain water. He looked thinking with brows twisted.

Did I drink water last night in front of the TV? 

Xiao Zhan tried to remember the things he did last night. Yes, he usually will use Wang Yibo's mug  sometime. The night before, when Wang Yibo came to give him the cream, he had spent the night in the house before he left in the next morning.

Ahhh....! Yah! I must missed it out for washing yesterday...!


I did wash it after Yibo had his coffee on breakfast. Hmm...  Did he use it back after I wash and  I have missed it last night? Hmm... Maybe.

Suddenly his cellphone rang. He flinched. He put the mug down and fished out the phone.

"Yes, President?"


"Yes, I'm on the way! Reach soon! Ok...!"

Xiao Zhan put his phone back into his pocket. And he had no time to think about the mug's matter for the moment, so he quickly dashed out of the house and left.

The atmosphere in the house was very quiet after he's gone. Everything was stay still. Not even the wind came into the house to sway the curtain. The house was neat and clean. Everything was in order except for the mug on the coffee table and half of a cup of remaining coffee on the kitchen counter. The house was totally empty.

Out of expectation, there was a sound like something was being moved. Or opened. Then the vent line on the ceiling above the corridor that brings us to the kitchen was moved. And opened. One leg hung from the hole of the vent line. Then followed by the other leg. They came lower when the whole body hung from it. And a man hopped off of the vent and landed on the floor.

The man dusted his clothes off, looking around, then he smirked. He walked to the kitchen, took the remaining of the coffee that left by Xiao Zhan, and drank it. His eyes darted at the window. Then the smirk drawn all over his face.

"Finally we live under the same roof, Xiao Zhan...." he hissed.


The voice of Teresa Teng sang the serenade of the old song filled the bright and neat house. The sunlight crept up through the balcony and hit the floor in the living room. The curtain swaying around beautifully played by the gentle wind blowing quietly as if brought it to dance off of the soft song.

An old lady walked to the balcony and spraying some water on the small plants in the small pots that hung around the balcony. Gently, she hummed the song.

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