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Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

Melody's eyes fluttered open before immediately falling shut again. Exhaustion enveloped her entire being and she found her body begging for five more minutes. Her body was sprawled against a cold, hard surface Mel presumed was stone.

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

Goosebumps were painted across the expense of her unclothed arms and her whole body was blanketed in dust. A groan slipped past her lips, sounding eerily loud in the otherwise silent room. She attempted to open her eyes again but her lids refused to budge.

Her fingertips felt the surface she lay on, drawing circles into the dusty floor. She inhaled a deep breath, hoping it would help her drag her heavy, limp body up into a seated position. Instead, dust filled her nostrils, ticking the inside before forcing her to release a weak sneeze.

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop-

Her eyes shot open upon feeling water drip against her cheek and almost instantly, she felt her body being hauled up. It was dark, she noted. Wherever she was was dark. And dusty, too.

She blinked her eyes around the room but they failed to adjust to the lack of light. Lazily, her eyes fell on the silhouette in front of her that still had their hands firmly squeezing her shoulders.

"About time you woke up."

The familiar voice made her perk up as she narrowed her eyes to get a closer look at the figure.

"Mia?" Melody mumbled, her voice coming out hoarse.

"Here, drink this," the girl simply commanded, pushing a cup to her lips.

Mel obeyed, allowing the cool liquid to slide down her throat. Her eyes voluntarily closed again as she savoured the bittersweet taste, only then realising how thirty she had been.

She sighed, leaning her body against a wall as she felt all her energy return. The room fell silent once more apart from the distant sound of dripping water. Her eyes opened once again and she glanced around to find Brea sitting beside Mia as they both eyed her curiously.

"What?" Mel raised an eyebrow.

The girls glimpsed at each other before returning their gazes to her.

"Mind explaining what the heck is happening?" Mia asked, earning a confused expression from the other.

"As if I know. I just woke up. If anything, I should be asking you."

Mia exhaled loudly, inching closer.

"Should I summarise the events of the last few days? And yes, days. You've been asleep for four days now."

"I'd appreciate that. By the way, where is everyone else? Is it just us three here? Where even are we?"

"After you collapsed," Brea started softly. "A group of wolves entered the Pen. We tried to drag you to the shed but you were too heavy and they were gaining on us so Harri made us leave you. We all flocked in the shed and waited. None of the wolves saw you. Hell, they didn't even acknowledge your presence. They all just sprinted the the shed, clawing at it and ripping it to shreds. So Aira ordered Mia, Rayne and I to get you and take cover in the cellar while she and Harri distracted the wolves."

"So, we are in the cellar?" Mel interrupted and both girls nodded. "Then where's Rayne? And if that was four days ago, where are Aira and Harri?"

"Turns out, the wolves didn't want all of us," Mia explained. "They, for whatever reason, wanted Rayne. So they took her. Didn't kill her nor attack her. They just grabbed her between their razor sharp teeth and raced off. Harri and Aira followed. None of them have returned. Brea and I wanted to follow them but deemed it safer to stay in the Pen... Only, it's not."

Melody furrowed her eyebrows,"what  do you mean?"

Mia continued, "the east wall collapsed. Its no more. Wolves are flooding the Pen at all hours of the day, and these ones actually do want us dead."

"Not to mention the solid metal boxes falling at random and strong winds and rainstorms that have been occurring practically everyday since you passed out," Brea added.

Mel rubbed her hands over her face in confusion and surprise. When she lifted her head she was met with a pair of bright, hopeful eyes staring back at her. It was clear that they wanted to know what to do but Melody couldn't help but feel like sinking beneath the ground to never return.

She had always relied on Harri or Aira despite being destined to be the leader. It was finally her time to show the girls that she deserves the Ace title but she didn't know how.

"Well," she sighed. "We can't hide in here forever. We have to find Rayne, Aira and Harri."

Fear was evident on both their faces but Mel didn't know what else to say. The creators of this world wanted them out of the Pen and that much was obvious but what would happen once their left? No one knew what lay behind the walls and what creatures may be waiting for them. But she couldn't think of anything else so she decide to offer the girls a soft smile.

"Come on, I'm here for you guys. And I will protect you all as best as I can, alright?"

"We don't know anything past the walls," Mia muttered.

"Then we'll find out," Melody uttered, pulling her body off the ground. "So are you coming?"

They nodded though clearly still uneasy. Mel smiled at that before making her way to the ladder.

"Besides," she shrugged. "If I'm with you guys, what could possibly go wrong?"

Melody may have been the Ace but nothing she could have prepared her for the events that were soon to unfold. So to answer her question:

What could possibly go wrong? Everything. Everything will go wrong.

The Ace (Stray Kids Kim Seungmin)Where stories live. Discover now