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A glitch.

Mel could reasoning all day or convincing herself that it was just her imagination, after all, she didn't get any sleep at night. She could try laughing it off or distracting herself by catching fish in the river. But she knows what she experienced. It was no hallucination but it wasn't the creators' doing either. It was a glitch. Definitely a glitch.

Seungmin seemed awfully chatty since it happened. She didn't know much about him having only met a day ago but judging by the other Spades' reactions, it wasn't in his nature to talk a lot. Mel wouldn't call herself talkative but she wasn't quiet either. However, today, she had no will to talk, no will to even open her mouth.

Something was clearly off and there was nothing they could do to pretend everything was fine.

Standing in the river, looking out for fish to catch, Mel couldn't help but focus on her reflection. It wasn't until this very moment that she realised she had never seen her reflection but knew how she looked. She guessed it may have been from some old memory because she doesn't remember having so many scars on her face. She doesn't remember having bags under her eyes or a bruised cheek or bloodshot eyes. She could argue it was the lack of sleep but something told her otherwise. How long has she looked like this? How long had she looked so tired and worn out?

How long was she blind to everything around her?

How long?

"Wake up," she heard someone say before snapping their fingers in front of her face.

Melody returned from her daze with a startle. Brea retracted her hand with a raise of her eyebrow. Her large brown eyes scanned Mel's face carefully before shaking her head with a chuckle and offering her a smile. A very forced smile.

"You must be tired from staying up all night. You've been zoning out every other minute. Why don't you sit out on this for today? The weather's beautiful for an afternoon nap," Brea mentioned, motioning to the river bank.

A nap was tempting. Very tempting. And she was right, the weather was perfect. On an average day, she would fall asleep immediately with these conditions. And she would sleep well and have dreams about what an amazing world the one out there would be. She would wake up feeling disappointed it ended but happy nonetheless.

Today wasn't an average day. No matter how hard she tried, she knew she wouldn't be able sleep. Not after the glitch. Not now when she just started to get answers to her many, many questions.

"That's nice of you to offer," Mel grinned, bringing her hand up to squeeze Brea's shoulder lightly. "But I'll have to pass. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing I'm not doing anything to help. Besides, we have plenty more mouths to feed now. We can't afford anyone sitting out."

She wanted to argue, Melody knew that, but instead she sighed and glanced back at the glistening water.

"Well, alright then. Just... Just try to stop zoning out as much. It doesn't help any of us. Whatever happened between you and Seungmin earlier on, try to forget it. If we have any chance of escaping this place, we need both of our aces to be at the top of their game."

"I'm sorry," Melody muttered. Brea only nodded before focusing completely on the task at hand.

The rest of the day was a blur but Mel wasn't sure if that was because she was just out of it the whole day or if time actually had sped up. All she knew was now she was back in the cave, legs pressed against her chest as she hugged them. The small wood fire in front of her did little to warm her up but it did serve as a decent source of light.

After an unsuccessful day fishing, there was nothing to eat that night and Melody couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. Mia had tried shutting down that thought by explaining that there just weren't that many fish today but it didn't help.

She was their ace. She had to be the one providing for them even when all the odds are against them. She needed to be the one willing to do the unthinkable just to make sure they were at their best.

"And where do you think you are going?" Minho questioned, watching as Mel stood and approached the mouth of the cave. He had been on look-out duty tonight since everyone insisted that she needed to rest.

"Out," she muttered.

"Out? Why?"

"To find something to eat, why else?"

"Mel, it's night-time. Wait until morning or something. Can't you go a day without food?"

"I can but how can I rest knowing everyone's starving because of me."

"It's not your fault-"

"It is. And we all know that."

He sighed, "it's dangerous out there."

"I know but this needs to be done."

"It really doesn't."

"It does."

"Just try to get some rest. Please try. You aren't thinking straight. Maybe if you... Are you even listening to me?"

Picking up the wooden torch she had made a few days prior and lighting it, she shrugged, "I am but there's nothing you can say that will change my mind. Just wait here. I'll be back soon."

"And if you're not?"

"Have a little faith in me, Minho. I will be back soon. I promise."

The Ace (Stray Kids Kim Seungmin)Where stories live. Discover now