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I didn't know how to split this chapter into 3 so this is much longer than my average chapter and this chapter will be the advent chapter for the 15th, 16th and the 17th.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Harri blinked in confusion. “Take a deep breath, Rayne, and
then explain what happened. How did he find out about me?”

“There’s no time for that. He’s approaching quickly. You need to leave.”

“No, let him come here. He killed Aira already, I’m not going to leave until the soil outside this cave absorbs his blood.”

“Don’t be like this, Harri. He isn’t what you think he is. He’s a beast, a monster. He’ll kill you without hesitation.”

“I once fought and killed two wolves simultaneously. I think I can handle this Hyunjin prick.”

Grabbing the others' wrist and dragging her out of the cave, Rayne shook her head, “killing two wolves is nothing compared to him. Besides, you aren’t exactly in the best shape, if you know what you mean.”

“No, I don’t know what you mean,” Harri pulled her arm out of the girl’s grip and crossed her arms in annoyance. “Why don’t you tell me exactly what you meant by that?”

Upon exiting the cave, Harri found herself in a ravine with a shallow river running through it. Tall cliffs stood on either side of her, slanting slightly towards each other as though to keep it a secret and trees and shrubs growing at the top of them, hiding it more. A few rays of sunlight peeked through the gaps in the leaves which provided the river with an ethereal shimmer and painted the rocks that had fallen off the cliffs gold. Clearly, it had taken years to build and each detail had been carefully created and artistically implemented.

Harri needed more time to indulge in it’s excellence, time Rayne simply refused to give her.

With a groan, the younger girl spat out, “you want to know exactly what I mean, huh? Just take a look at yourself! Two days ago you collapsed in a desert and barely had any energy to stand up. Your body is practically eating itself away, I can see the outline of each one of your ribs and you’re pale purple! I had to check your pulse before waking you up a few minutes ago because you resemble a corpse more than an actual living creature, Harri! Even in your best state, you would never be able to kill Hyunjin. How could you possibly believe you could defeat him like this?”

She shrugged, “you underestimate me. I could kill him in my sleep. Just wait and you’ll see.”

“No way! I’m not going to hang around you and wait for your inevitable defeat! I’d rather die myself than watch you exhale your last breath! Now let’s go already. He should be here anytime now.”

“I can kill him-“

“Stop lying to yourself!” Rayne screamed, the sound bouncing off the cliffs as it echoed across the ravine. “I was there when you killed those wolves, Harri. I was there when you saved Mia from them too. Whenever you risked your life for the rest of us, I was there. There’s no one on earth that believes in or respects you more that me. I know what you are capable of, Harri, I know how strong you are. So trust in me when I tell you, there is literally nothing you can do and will ever be able to do to kill Hyunjin. They won’t let you.”

They?” Harri furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head lightly. “You mean the creators? They aren’t meant to interfere with us. They shouldn’t be interfering with us.”

“But they are and they are on his side. Do you really think he was talking to himself the other day? Of course not! He was talking to the creators, he was making a deal with them. A deal to kill Mel.”

The Ace (Stray Kids Kim Seungmin)Where stories live. Discover now