The Challenge

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It had been a week since I'd come to the Greenhouse, and so far, I was loving it. I had made friends,  gotten around all the Louie hacks and was picking up on the cheer leading routine for the next Eagles game. Sophie had also decided she liked my floor routine from the Eagles tryouts. "I reckon we should do some acrobatics!" she'd exclaimed after we'd all aced the head turns. She'd taken the cartwheel and aerial duo and mixed it up, with the back row holding hands in the aerial, the middle row doing cartwheels and the front row, where I was, doing a sort of hybrid cartwheel-somersault that ended with us standing. There was only one thing I hadn't had a chance to do: a challenge. I'd nagged Brooke all week to tell me more. "It's always got a twist," she'd said, smiling. "And there's always an amazing prize for the winners." I smirked. "Well then, I guess losing isn't an option."

And I'd also noticed Daniel Hayward hanging around me all week. His glassy black eyes were on me whenever I wasn't looking. He always went out of his way to help me out. He'd offered to help me set up my Louie, find my backpack (it was under my bed the whole time) and pick out some of the Eagles clothes. Of course, I'd turned him down for the last one (Brooke was going to help me out with this) but I appreciated him asking. I wondered if it was sympathy. Or was it something else? Did he have.... feelings for me? I'd pushed this thought away. He didn't even know me that well. But why did it feel like it then? I also didn't want to rush things with Daniel. His heart was broken, and I could tell. He needed some time to sort himself out, get his head on straight, before getting involved in liking someone again. 

My Louie chimed suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I put down the PS4 controller in my hand (the video games they had here were dope) to check my message. I half expected another message from Sophie about what to wear on some date with Parker (Brooke says she doesn't know what she would've done without me when it comes to helping Sophie get ready.) But it was a message from Louis. About a challenge. I had cover my mouth to stop myself from squealing. The message read:

Eagles, you have been given a golden Louie and a lockable briefcase. The Ravens have been given the same materials.  Your objective is to put the Golden Louie inside the briefcase and lock it-you can only use the numbers 1, 4, 7 and 9. It should be inside your clubhouse. You have the whole day to plan and get some rest. Tonight, you will attempt to steal the Raven's golden Louie with your plans. If you succeed, you will open the Louie, which will send me a message, telling me you've won. You may begin planning when you finish reading the message. Good luck!               -Louis

I looked up, grinning. It appeared that we were planning a heist. "Alright guys, let's start planning," Sophie announced. "The Ravens will obviously have some geek machine that cracks codes, so we need to keep that in mind," Parker said, putting his hands on his hips. "Yes, ba-Parker." Sophie blushed slightly. Parker winked at her. "Okay guys, cut it out with the flirting." Daniel smirked at the two of them, turning their faces scarlet. "We're gonna have to charm the Eagles into giving us some more information." A collective set of 'Oohs' exploded across the room. "So I say we sneak Leo's Louie outta his pocket." Of course! "And then we can deactivate everyone else's Louie's! What'll the Ravens do if they can't haul their geeky tech in because none of their Louies work?" The Eagles whooped at my statement. "Let's leave our Louies deactivated inside the clubhouse," Sophie added. "That way, the Ravens won't be able to  steal our ones." Daniel nodded, handing Parker his Louie. 

"I'm gonna go get Leo's Louie," he said, running out of the clubhouse. The rest of us continued with our lives, playing video games and mucking around. Daniel returned an hour later, holding a captain's Louie. "And... all Raven's Louies are deactivated." He hit the button, resulting in cheers all around from the Eagles. "Impressed, Talia?" Daniel looked at me, smirking. Well, I was going to play along here. "Yes, Daniel. I'm very impressed," I replied, emphasizing my words. Sophie's eyebrows shot up. I rolled my eyes at her, turning back to my game. Of course, she wouldn't let it go. So, of course, she walked over and sat down next to me. "You were totally flirting with Daniel." I ignored her, looking at the screen. "Talia!" Sophie nudged me before bursting into laughter. I turned to face her. "Hey, he started it. It was just for fun, Soph," I said, unable to hide my smile. 

"Okay, okay then, whatever you say," Sophie said, backing away. She was still smirking. I knew I'd never hear the end of it. I played video games the whole day. Honestly, I couldn't be bothered to do anything else. At 9PM, Sophie pulled on a black hoodie. "Eagles, get into black clothes. It's time to pull a heist." We all got changed and walked out, ready to go steal that golden Louie. We broke in with ease using Leo's Louie, and Parker got to work on the lock. Sophie crouched over him, pointing out new combinations as he went. Meanwhile, we decided to give the Ravens clubhouse.... a little makeover. "We did this when I first came here," Alex told me. "It's an Eagles tradition!" After we'd cracked open the case, we opened the golden Louie. The message system came on. "The Eagles have won! Have a good night everyone-Eagles, you can look forward to some good fun tomorrow!" I smiled before joining the others. "Eagles, Eagles......."

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