Beach Day

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"I know exactly where you were last night, Talia."

I gasped involuntarily, my eyes widening. "I-Daniel-" Daniel looked down, shuffling his feet. The intensity disappeared, replaced by an expression of guilt. "Look, I have... a huge jealousy problem. By now you've definitely realised that I like you." Despite the circumstances, I blushed. "And seeing you with Will, who's probably the most charming guy at the Greenhouse, makes me doubt my chances with you." Daniel met my eyes. "Look, Daniel, it's not like that. I-I don't even know Will that well. I don't even like him yet. I mean, I might, but for now, it's just..." I searched for a word to describe how I had felt down at the beach with Will. "Have you ever heard of frisson?" Daniel frowned before nodding. "Yes, I have." 

I looked straight into Daniel's eyes. "Well, that's what I felt. Frisson." I smiled. "But with you, I feel... at home. Safe. Comfortable." I took Daniel's hand. "I've only known you two months, but I'm sure I like you. I  just need some time to sort out how I feel about Will, okay?" Daniel nodded. "Okay."" He kissed my cheek before walking away. I continued down the corridor, running headfirst into Will. "Will!" Will smiled. "Talia." Needless to say, Will looked amazing. He hadn't bothered styling his hair, which was out in dreamy, wavy tufts. 

Hayley and Leo crept up behind Will. "We heard you were going to the beach," Leo stated. "Wondering if we could join you?" Hayley asked. I nodded, smiling. "The more the merrier."


"WILL, I SWEAR-" I chucked the Frisbee at Will's head. He caught it calmly. "Say what?" I rolled my eyes, stepping in front of Hayley instead. We had a pleasant game of Frisbee on the beach before stepping into the water. Well, Will and I were in the water. Leo and Hayley decided that they would go for a walk instead on account of almost drowning at the beach once. I rushed out into the waves, feeling the cool, salty water flow against my skin. I was an open ocean swimmer, which was probably what made me so tall.

I'd crossed the English channel at twelve years of age and, needless to say, it was one of my greatest achievements. I enjoyed swimming in the ocean because it brought me so close to nature and the Earth. Below the surface, there was no noise-it was just me and the calm, flowing tide, gently rocking me to a distant shore. I spread my arms slightly to catch the tide, allowing it to propel me forward until I was about a mile out to sea. 

The most common mistake people made when trying to get far out at the beach was pushing against the tide. The trick to finding calmer, cooler waters was to become one with the waves. I watched, amused, as Will struggled against the waves. "Wow, they make it look a lot easier in the movies, huh?" I laughed. "Will, just relax." He frowned. "Okay, try this: lie down in the water on your back. Spread your arms and legs and just... float. Breathe in and out. Concentrate on you breathing."

Will nodded, following my directions. He slowly began to drift toward me. "See? Now you got it." He was now right next to me. "Well, I'm a fast learner." He smirked, looking every bit the rom-com boy he wanted to be. Both our feet were touching the cool sand, allowing us to wade through the water. Will took a few more steps toward me, closing the gap between us. I leant in, unable to deny what I felt for Will. I could no longer say it was just frisson.

He was innocent, charming, alluring. Everything I wanted. He was right there, a few centimetres from me, hands around my waist. Droplets of water sparkled against his eyelashes, giving his eyes a misheivous glint. "Talia, I know I said I wanted this to be fair." His deep voice was full of emotion. "But I can't help it-you're too good for me to let go." He was asking a question, expecting me to answer it. Without any hesitation, I put my hands around his neck, pulling him round and kissing him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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