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"We need to tell Sophie. What if Enzo knows something about it?" I nodded. "I'll go tell her. You guys try tracing Jason." Max nodded. He and Emma got to work, Daniel looking slightly confused as he watched them running different algorithms. "Uh, Talia, tell Parker too-it's better if he finds out something's up sooner than later. "Yeah, okay," I replied hastily, running up to the Eagles clubhouse. I opened the door, walking in on Sophie and Parker flirting with each other. I watched from a slight distance-they were just so cute! Sophie saw me out of the corner of her eye. "Hey, T," she said. "I thought you were with Daniel!" I nodded. "I need you guys to come with me-I'll explain it all soon." Parker and Sophie nodded, following me out of the clubhouse to the computer room.

"What are the Ravens doing here?" Parker asked. Sophie lightly hit his arm. "Well, Jason has escaped-again." Sophie sank down into a chair. "Seriously? SERIOUSLY?" Parker yelled. "Keep your voices down," whispered Daniel. "Yes, Jason escaped. The police were here earlier. Near the cave. They were looking for clues." Sophie nodded. "Well, he has a mental disorder after all, he can't go very far-" I cut in. "That's the problem," I explained. "The police reckon Jason's disorder makes him even more dangerous." Parker looked down at his feet. "I bet you Enzo's involved," he snarled. Sophie shook her head. "He wouldn't-not after last time." I nodded. That did make sense. "The guy would do anything for your attention," mumbled Parker. Daniel looked up. "I think we should tell Hayleo-I mean Hayley and Leo." Everyone in the room sniggered. "Okay, I'll go to their clubhouse." Parker walked out. 

"Max, Emma, have you guys got anything at all?" Emma shook her head. "Jason is really good at going undercover. There's no sign of him-it's as if he doesn't exist." An idea came to me. "Hey-remember the book Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?" Max nodded. "Yes, it was a really good-" Daniel glared at him. "Well, Jason seems to be a lot like that, what with his little bipolar situation. Part of him feels guilty for his actions, and part of him doesn't care." Realization dawned on Max. "So we just wait for Jason's other side to phase!" I nodded. "That's it, Max. Let's just hang round here until then-I don't want to miss the guy." An evil grin spread across Sophie's face. "If we're stuck in here tonight, we might as well have a little fun."

An hour later, we were all watching Fast & Furious 7 on the huge TV screen that Max had pointed us toward. Hayley and Leo had also shown up and looked absolutely disgusted by our taste in movies. Instead, they were both reading books at the back of the lab. Typical. "OOOOHHHH DAMN BRIAN!" I yelled at the screen. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T-" Daniel joined in. "HOW THE HECK IS HE GOING TO OUTRUN IT?" Sophie bellowed. "WHOA, THAT WAS-"


Al four of us turned toward Max and Emma, who were hugging at the present moment. "Um, okay, what?" Sophie stood up. "We found him!" I scooted over to them. "He seems to have stopped by... Enzo's new place." Sophie groaned and cuss words started flying out of Parker's mouth. "Well, we should probably go check it out... right?" Sophie nodded. "But there's no actual car we could use.... This was my chance at an evil smile. "Or we could use my car." 20 minutes later, Daniel, Parker Sophie, Emma and Max were all crammed into my SUV (Leo and Hayley had called it a night) and I was driving while Daniel and Parker were watching the remainder of Fast & Furious 7 and Sophie was just sitting there looking extremely annoyed. Max and Emma were in the back, keeping trail of Jason's location. 

"And we're here." I looked up at the tall building, stepping in through vast lobby doors. Sophie got details from the receptionist on where Enzo was and we all got in the elevator. Sophie marched up to the door, rapping it smartly. "Sophie?" The grin appeared before the guy-a dozy, laid-back grin. "Things didn't work out with your little crush...Peter, was it?" Sophie grimaced. "His name is Parker. And he's not my crush, he's my boyfriend." Enzo let out a mirthless laugh. "Trouble in paradise then?" As if out of nowhere, Parker walked up to Enzo and started one-upping him. "C'mon Daniel, this guy's just asking to be beat up." Daniel sighed. "Nah man, he's not worth it." Parker seethed but stepped back all the same. "Fine." Sophie stepped forward. "Maybe Parker won't hit you." She balled her left fist, punching Enzo in the face. "But I sure as hell can."

Enzo stepped back, clutching his mouth. "Come in," he mumbled, stepping aside. "Whoa Sophie!" I whispered. Sophie grinned back. I walked toward Enzo, who I belatedly noticed was half a centimeter shorter than me. "All right, little guy, I'm gonna get you to sit down. " Enzo scowled. "Now what do you know about where Jason Osmond is right now?" Enzo clicked his tongue, sitting up. "Why? Has he escaped?" 

Death Trap: Season 5 of Greenhouse AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now