The One That Got Away

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Sophie frowned at Enzo. "What mess have you gotten yourself into this time?" Enzo was simply too startled to formulate an answer. He looked around cautiously before speaking. "Look, that guy is a lot more trouble than I thought. Must be a psycho, breaking out of prison every time." I nodded at Enzo. "He is, actually." Enzo shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Do you know where he went?" he asked finally. "No," I admitted. "We were hoping you could help us out with that, but clearly you don't know so...." Sophie walked over to Enzo. "Enzo would know how to escape. He's the one that got away." Enzo smiled lazily. "Every time, Soph. Every time." Parker bristled in the corner. "Well, if you can't help us...." Max trailed off. Enzo smirked. "I think I can."

15 minutes later, we were on the road yet again. It was Enzo, Daniel , Max, Emma and myself (Sophie wanted to come along but, of course, Parker would've erupted if she left with Enzo.) "That guy must've run away with that chick Suzanne." Enzo pulled out his phone. "I hacked into the Louie system-we can track down Suzanne using this." I nodded. "So Enzo... where to?" Enzo gestured to the right. I took a turn, looking out at the moonlit ocean to the side. "Well... somewhere along that cliff face over there." Daniel did a spit take. "What now? Off a cliff face?" Enzo nodded. "I dunno, they must have built into it." I nodded, pulling over to the car park by the rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. 

"Hey Enzo, I don't see-" Max was cut off mid-sentence by Daniel's gasp at the mansion that was seemingly embedded into the cliff face. "That. Is. Crazy." Enzo laughed but didn't smile. "Tell me about it." Max blinked abnormally fast, even for himself. "Umm.... crazy question..." Emma cut in. "How are we meant to get up there?" I smirked. "It's simple, Emma. To get into the mansion, we just need to climb up the cliff." 

Max began to stutter wildly. "I-I have a medical condition-" Daniel shushed him. "Stay down here-we'll get you up. But actually, Talia... How are we going to get up there?" Enzo smirked. "It's a good thing I brought along these guys." He pulled out two state-of-the-art mountain hooks. "Just throw 'em at the cliff with the ropes attached. Talia knows how to do the rest." Daniel raised an eyebrow. "There's more to me than meets the eye." I fastened a carabiner to the first mountain hook before attaching the bungee cord using the loops. 

I pulled a harness from the boot of the car, attaching it with yet another carabiner to the bungee cord. Daniel looked uncertain. "Are you sure about this?" Enzo pushed Daniel to the side. "Let the lady show you how it's done." I grinned wildly, throwing Enzo the other side of the bungee cord. "Alright, pull!" Enzo pulled on the rope, hoisting me up onto the mountain. It took a moment but before I knew it, my hands and feet had familiarized themselves with the terrain and were moving swiftly and surely along the surface. Once I was directly under the cliff, I attached the second mountain hook underneath the small trapdoor at the bottom of the mansion before attaching it to my own cord with a carabiner. "Enzo, release the rope!"

I felt myself dropping. I gripped onto the cliff face, stretching the bungee cord until the tension caused the trapdoor to swing open. I smiled down at Daniel, Max and Emma, who were looking at me like I'd gone nuts. "And that is how it's done. I'll be back for you guys-keep your phones and Louies ready." With that, I pulled myself up into the mansion, taking off my harness before pulling out the mountain hooks and throwing them to the people below. 

"...And I just think we should get out of here, you know? We have so much money at our fingertips. We could go anywhere!" I saw a blonde woman standing at a table in the center of the room. "Suzanne, you don't understand. We can't go anywhere or they'll find us. If we're reckless, we'll be caught. Am I making myself clear?" Suzanne backed down. "Yes." She looked extremely bored. I pulled the diffuser from my pocket, rolling it gently toward the table. It instantly began to release gas. I quickly put the mask on my face and waited until the diffuser had managed to knock both Suzanne and Jason Osmond out. I hurried toward the door in back, swinging it open and pulling out my Louie. I hit 'Daniel.' "Hey?" I shushed Daniel. 

"Come around to the back," I whisper-yelled. "I've opened up the mansion for you." 

Death Trap: Season 5 of Greenhouse AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now