A New Normal

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Daniel, Max, Emma and Enzo were up in the mansion five minutes later. It was then that I noticed the soft guitar music playing in the background. "Guys.. there's someone else here. Stay close." I followed the music toward a small, secluded wing of the mansion. "Come on, guys." I saw the reflection of a screen displaying guitar chords. "Hurts so bad..." The song played with the chords on the large projector. I slipped into the room. There sat a guy who must've been 18, playing guitar. I recognised the song-'Hurts So Bad.' His fingers moved across the frets of the guitar smoothly. He didn't look at the screen, but instead, looked out at the ocean from a small window. Without looking away, he began to speak. "Why are you here?"

(The boy in the mansion)

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(The boy in the mansion)

"Why are you here?" Daniel asked. "I've been here my whole life." He sighed, still playing. "I've never seen or known anyone or anything but this room, this mansion, this sea." He played the last few chords of the song, turning to face us as he gently put his guitar on the ground next to him. "H-how old are you?" He shrugged miserably. "I don't know. I must be the same age as you guys." Daniel stared incredulously at the boy. "Excuse me, but how do you not know your own age?" He laughed but didn't smile. "I've never been told." Emma sighed. 'Well, do you have a name?" He looked up at us. "Will." He stood. "My name is Will." Max looked up from his Louie. "Do you know who your parents are?" Will nodded.

"Jason Osmond is my father. I only know that my mother's first name is Suzanne." Max gasped. "Why?" He turned. "Will, your parents... they're criminals. "I wouldn't be surprised." His face was devoid of emotion. "I've only met them twice. Three times, if you count when I was born." Max lookd over at the tallies in the corner of the room. "What are those?" he asked. "Ever since I found a blade, I've been scratching a line for every day." He hesitated. "For sixteen years." Max brightened unexpectedly. "So you must be about the same age as us all. Do you remember anything from when you found the blade?"  Will nodded.

"It was lying in the corridor. I picked it up. I think... I think I cut myself with it once." He looked down at a long scar on his arm. "And them I realised I could cut with it." Max nodded. "I think you're 18 years old."I heard a groan in the foyer." Come on-we need to go!" Enzo nodded. "Take this one with us." Will looked at us questioningly. "We're getting you out of here." He hesitated. "Will I see the ocean?" I nodded. "It's time for you to meet your family, Will."

We crept out of the mansion, making sure to shut the entrance door behind us.  

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