Will Osmond

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"So... this is my grandson?" Louis stared at Will as if he were an alien. Well, he basically was. "Umm... yes." Louis nodded. "I do not approve of your actions today. But I do believe that you were able to use your abilities to the fullest." Louis smiled gently. "And you brought my grandson home." Daniel smiled. Will looked extremely uncomfortable. "Now, what is your name?" Will looked up at Louis, his forest green eyes clouded with doubt. "Will." Louis smiled. "And how old are you?" Will looked up at Max, who nodded. "I am eighteen years old." Louis put an arm around his grandson. "Will, welcome to the Greenhouse." 

Louis oversaw Will taking the tests. Looking at his results, Louis smiled with satisfaction. "I think Will would make an excellent Raven," he gushed. An hour later, Will emerged from the change rooms in Raven colors, his hair dyed a different shade of brown (courtesy of his aunt, Brooke.) He fidgeted uncomfortably with his shirt. "I'll go get Leo," Daniel said, running off. Minutes later, he returned with a (very startled) looking Leo. "What's going on?" Leo noticed the new Raven. "Oh, who's this?" Will looked at the ground. "This is Will. My grandson." Leo did a double-take. "He's Jason's-" Louis nodded. "He's eighteen years old." Leo nodded, too shocked to speak. 

"Welcome to the Ravens, Will." 

I started to walk back to the clubhouse when I felt smooth fingers gently tapping my bare shoulder. "Yes?" I turned, finding myself drawn into eyes that reminded me of wild foliage and jungles. "I-um-was wondering if you could... stay? With me?" I realised that Will was about four inches taller than me. His brown hair gently touched the edge of his long lashes, drawing attention to those spectacular eyes. His perfectly sculpted nose had a small, adorable bump on it near the top. There was no denying it-Will was the most handsome person I had ever met. "Yeah, Will. Sure." 

Will smiled, holding out his hand. "Take me to the ocean." I took his hand, leading him to the main gates. 

A few moments later, we were at the beach. Will looked at the vast ocean, still holding my hand. "Wow. It's.. it's beautiful." Will looked at the waves earnestly. "In the movies, the main characters sit on the beach and watch the sunset." He turned to face me. "Do you want to do that? With me?" Of course I did. Anyone would kill to sit and watch the sunset with a guy like Will. I nodded, sitting down. The breeze made me shiver. Will sat beside me. Looking at my shivering shoulders, he pulled off his jacket and gently placed it around my shoulders. 

I looked at him, surprised. Will smirked. "I'm not that clueless." He moved closer until his arms touched my own. "I know how to treat a girl I like." I felt a scarlet blush creeping across my cheeks as he shuffled closer. Will looked at my burning face, amused, before looking right int my eyes with burning intensity. "Look, I meant what I said. About liking you, I mean. I've seen you all over the news. You're amazing." I smiled. "I see how you look at that Daniel guy. I know you like him. But please, Talia, just give me a shot. I don't want to mess it up with my dream girl." I nodded at Will. "I will." And with that, the both of us stopped speaking. My head slipped onto Will's shoulder as we watched the sunset. Eventually, I felt my eyes close. 

It wasn't until the next morning that I realised I was still with Will. I woke up with the sun, my head still on Will's shoulder. I realised that we were still at the beach. Wills head had fallen onto my own. I wriggled off of him, shaking Will. "What-TALIA!" Will stood instantly. "Just let me explain-" I looked at Will. He looked shocked, worried, confused. "I-did we really just... fall asleep on the beach?" Will nodded. "Well, I guess so." Will frowned. "I guess we shouldn't spend dusk down at the beach next time." I nodded, laughing. "Come on, Will. Let's go."

The two of us trudged up the hill when we ran into Lewis. "Morning! Nice to see you up bright and early. Good luck today, Will. Enjoy your classes." Will nodded, smiling. Clearly everyone thought we'd been at our clubhouses. The next person we ran into was Daniel, who didn't do much apart from look from me to Will and then back. After that, we were back at the Greenhouse and in our own clubhouses, showering and getting dressed for the day. Remembering that today was our day off, I pulled together a beach outfit crazily fast and had my hair and make-up done in record time.

 Remembering that today was our day off, I pulled together a beach outfit crazily fast and had my hair and make-up done in record time

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(Talia's look)

I walked out of the clubhouse, ready for a day of sun and sand with Will. I felt a light blush creep across my face as I thought of him. That was when I bumped into Daniel, who wore a look of blazing intensity.

"I know exactly where you were last night, Talia."

Death Trap: Season 5 of Greenhouse AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now