22 - Aftermath

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The next morning, after a night spent thrashing about, I woke up to thirty-four unread messages on my phone.

Hello, darling. This is Auntie, I wanted to make sure you and Edward were fine. I'll contact your respective parents just in case. Take care.

OMG I saw the news! This is crazy... Are you all right? Were you playing when the malfunctioning happened?

Hey, girl. You good? Do you have Bahiriya's number? I wanna check up on her too.

Hi, just texting to see if you were concerned by the worldwide bug that made Bridge users stand up?

While I typed away reassuring replies and asked about Bahiriya and my cousin Edward, new questions joined those that had plagued my mind since my last gaming session.

If yesterday was not an isolated incident, then it wasn't related to my digressions with Theo, and I could safely keep meeting him... or could I? The news websites and tech blogs were submerged by Bridge owners' testimonies, some relating their disorientation when coming back to reality, some questioning the veracity of bug reports, and all equally freaking out and stating they wouldn't use the device until InfiCorp released a statement on the subject.

"Come on in," I answered to the soft knock on my door.

As it opened, a tendril of honeysuckle peered at me from its bud vase, followed by a steaming coffee mug, and a stack of pancakes tilting dangerously.

"Good morning, Lee-Lee-Bee. I thought you might enjoy breakfast in bed." Amy kneeled by my side for me to get a better view at the tray she was holding.

"Thanks, but there's way too much food."

"Oh." Her shoulders slumped, chagrin altering her features.

"No." I placed my hand on her forearm to prevent her from leaving. "I meant there was too much food for one person. Wanna share?"

"I'd love to." She exhaled, glowing at me.

While she bolted back to the kitchen to retrieve another cutlery set, I folded my blanket and sheet at the bottom of the mattress to prepare her a fluffy seat. A few minutes later, she plopped herself down on it, and added freshly-pressed orange juice to the feast.

"Did you get some rest last night? No sleep-walking?" She cut a generous piece of pancakes and flooded it with maple syrup before shoving her fork to my face. "Open wide."

"Shanks." I chomped on the buttery bite, pushing concerns about cholesterol and diabetes far in the back of my mind. "I fell ashleep and woke up in my bed, which is good, I guesh."

"Mom and Dad are downstairs, watching the newscast. They're worried to death. Mom wants you to stay home today and see a doctor. Dad is just sniffing and blowing his nose, and pretending it's his allergies."

I sipped my glass of orange juice while I went through my schedule. "I had planned to complete my Creative Writing project on campus. Then lunch with Matt and Marla before our English Lit lecture."

She played with the blueberries she had topped a Greek yogurt with, gathering them all together before replying, "I'd feel better knowing you're safe home with us today."

"Don't you have band practice this afternoon?"

"I'll tell them I have something important to take care of."

"But you guys have a gig next month. You should go."

"I'll tell them I have someone important to take care of." Her meaningful stare put an end to my protestations. "Say aaah..."

My Virtual Darcy 🏆 2021 Wattys ShortlisterWhere stories live. Discover now