17 - New Friends

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"Knock knock?" I leaned on Amy's closed door in wait of her answer.

"Mmh mmh."

Taking her mumble as permission to enter, I pushed the wooden panel open and froze in bewilderment.

"I look ridiculous, don't I?" Ames tugged on the collar of her vintage Perfecto. Under the unzipped jacket, a black shirt and tartan skirt completed her grunge outfit.

"Girl, you rock."

With a sigh, she strode to the full-length mirror and scrunched her nose. "It's not too much, is it?"

"Depends. If you dressed up to go downstairs and do the dishes, it might be a tad overboard."

She rolled her eyes and confessed, "Remember this band I said I would audition for? Yesterday, their lead guitarist hurt his wrist rock climbing, so they're kinda desperate to find a replacement before their next gig."

"This is wonderful. I mean, not for the dude who sprained his wrist, but yay for you, Ames."

"I don't know. This is so sudden..." She opened her wardrobe, and slipped on a wader on her left leg and a military boot on her right foot.

"Waders," I replied to her quizzical look.

While she put on the matching shoe, I picked up the discarded clothes that blanketed the floor. "Are you having second thoughts about joining this band?"

"No. Yes. Maybe. I accepted to audition for rhythm guitar on a whim. It was supposed to be a tryout, an experiment. Never did I dare dreaming of being the lead guitarist. Leah, what if I suck? I've taught myself to play using YouTube videos, for God's sake. And only practised in my bedroom."

I folded an Evanescence tee-shirt. "Amy, believe it from someone whose room shares a wall with yours: you do not suck. Sure, you're no guitar hero, but if these guys were good enough to land a gig, they'll be able to spot a rough diamond."

"Wow. Thanks for the pep talk. I feel much better now," Amy grumbled with a sarcastic tone. She threw another glance to her reflection. "Urgh, something's wrong with my outfit."

I studied her dark eyeshadow, ruby matte lipstick, and the Dutch braid she had tamed her hair into.

Nah, my sister was perfect. With a smirk, I echoed her worry, "Indeed, there is something missing."

She got closer to the mirror and scrutinised her makeup. "What?"

I wrapped her in my arms from behind, and smooched her cheek. "A lucky kiss."

Amy elbowed me, but merriness and glee shone in her eyes. "You're such a dork."

"Should I take my kiss back?" I threatened.

"No." She held her palms towards me in defense, and stepped backwards to the hallway, pausing at the desk for her car keys. "Tell the parents I won't be home for dinner. I'll grab a burger with the band after auditioning."

"Oh, right. I came here to tell you that Dad dropped Mom off at her law firm, and is on his way to a local vegetable producer's."

"Really? Didn't she say she would refrain from working on weekends?" Amy's brows knitted together.

"I know. She should take it slow, now that Dad is earning money with his food blog."

Amy shrugged as she juggled with her keys. "Force of habits. Mom was the family provider for decades since Dad asked to stay home to take care of us. Anyways, you'll be by yourself all afternoon."

My mind darted to the Bridge and to Theo. "No problem. I got stuff to do."

A smirk played on her lips, but I held her stare without batting an eyelid. With a chuckle, she galloped down the stairs and waved me goodbye. "Have fun with Darcy."

My Virtual Darcy 🏆 2021 Wattys ShortlisterWhere stories live. Discover now