Chapter 5

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Jack's POV

I'm left sitting at the kitchen table long after Ianto leaves to go to the hub and check the rift monitor. I know deep down that there's only one way I can prove my loyalty. Prove that I want to stay. Honestly I don't know if he'd agree to it. I haven't even met his family. How much family does he have left?

He met my daughter, Alice, briefly. She wouldn't believe me if I said I wanted something long term. She always thought I hated the idea of being tied down. And then there's Steven. Alice won't forgive me for that. Not in a million years. I brought back Ianto but couldn't bring back my own grandson. The one who died before my eyes as a result of me. Ianto would never want to be with the heartless monster who could murder a child, even if it was to save the rest.

If I got down on one knee, and asked Ianto to marry me, would he say yes? Could he go through with it and not regret it later on?

If I do this, and I will, I need to find a ring. Can't just be any old ring, it needs to be meaningful. I'd have to go searching and it might take a while. He'd go mad if I leave without warning.

Slipping on my coat, I leave the flat and make my way through Cardiff to the hub. On the way I grab a pastry from one of the few places open this early. Upon entering the hub I see Ianto feeding Myfanwy, he's laughing as she swoops around him. It makes me so happy to see him like this, without a care in the world.

I wander down the stairs to him, slipping my arms around him and planting a kiss on the back of his neck.

"I know your not going to like this," I say, trying to explain where I'm going without ruining the surprise, "but I need to find something. I don't know how long I'll be gone but.."

"You're leaving?" Ianto's face falls at my words and I'm quick to reassure him,

"I promise you I'll come back. And when I'm back, I'm taking you out for dinner. My treat."

He still looks down at the thought of me leaving, so I take off my coat and slip it round his skinny shoulders.

"Call this insurance," I say, "If I don't come back for you, I'll come back for the coat." I laugh. "But really," I reassure, "I love you, Ianto. I will always come back for you."

I kiss him deeply and step back to activate the vortex manipulator. I select my location and disappear from the hub.

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