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Author POV

"Can you hurry up Jeon? I am hungry as fuck." Jimin says jumping up where he was standing.

"Do you want me to put my hands in it or what? Wait for few minutes." Jungkook replies stirring the noodles.

"You are so slow, What a shame." Jimin speaks to annoy Jungkook. He never thought in his life that he will enjoy Jungkook's Company this much. He hated the boy and the competition Jungkook gave him in his work.

"My god Jimin, you are such a brat. Can you let me do my work properly." Jungkook says with a huff and Jimin smirked.

"And stop pulling the handcuff. My hand is hurting because of you." He said so Jimin moves a bit closer to loosen the handcuff.

Jimin sat down on the floor and Jungkook looked at him with quirked eye brows. He was covering himself with the blanket because the handcuff didn't let both of them wear anything. And they cannot possibly tear someone else clothes. So he was half naked wearing just a shorts at bottom and covering his upper body with the quilt.

"What?! My legs were hurting so I sat down." He said shrugging his shoulder and Jungkook just shakes his head before going back to stirring his noodles, when suddenly Jimin squeals loudly making Jungkook go on his knees immediately.

"What happened Jimin? Are you hurt? Did something bite you? Show me!" Jungkook asks taking Jimin's hand and looking at it for any type of wound.

"Chill Jeon! I am fine." Jimin replies with a smile and Jungkook looks at him with confusing expression.

"I just saw this bottle of Soju under the table and cannot contain my happiness. That's all." He says and pulls two bottle of alcohol with a big smile on his face and Jungkook huffs before standing up.

"Stand up I need a plate to serve it." Jungkook says and Jimin does as said. He take out two plates and two glass.

"Two? Why?" Jungkook asks.

"Because we are two." Jimin replies with a duh expression.

"As if jimin. You know I will have to feed you this noodle so why not use one plate instead." He says keeping back one plate and serving the plate.

"Whatever." Jimin says and both of them goes back to sitting near the window. It was raining and the smell of soil was heavenly because of it.

Jimin poured the alcohol in both of their glasses and finished his even before eating.

"Atleast eat your dinner first." Jungkook scolds the boy and Jimin mouths him a sorry.

Jungkook fed him first spoon of noodles and Jimin hums in appreciation.

"It's tasty!" Jimin said and Jungkook smiled.

"Is it?" He asks once again feeding another spoonful to the boy and Jimin nods his head.

"Feed yourself too." Jimin says in muffled voice because of the stuffed food inside it and Jungkook chuckles on older's cuteness.

Jungkook ate few spoons before feeding Jimin again and the boy ate all the noodles. Jungkook liked to see Jimin eat because his cheeks looked so puffy and cute.

"You full?" Jungkook asks and Jimin nods fervently. Maybe he was a bit tipsy because of the neat shot before eating.

"Okay. Let me clean the dishes." Jungkook says and stand up but Jimin grabs his hand and make him sit.

"I'll have to walk too. Keep it aside and let's drink." Jimin speaks with a pout and Jungkook just wants to kiss him badly. He nods and keeps the plate aside.

Jimin poured the drink in both of their glasses and they finished it in one shot, their throat burning because of the alcohol.

"We forgot to do cheeeeers!!!" Jimin said and Jungkook smiled filling both their glasses once again.

"Let's do cheers then!" He said and Jimin giggled cutely.

"Cheeeeers!" Both of them clicked their glass together and laughed.

"You know Jeon, i really didn't liked you at first and hated you because of you being popular in such a short span of time." Jimin said his voice a little slurry and eyes looking a little bit red. He was drunk.

Jungkook had more better control when it came to alcohol, so he was sober. A little tipsy but still sober.

"Don't you hate me now?" He asked jokingly and just taking a sip of his drink.

"Well. I don't like you alot but I don't hate you either." Jimin says and Jungkook just smiles knowing that Jimin doesn't actually hate him.

"Don't smile as if i am the only culprit. I know you hate me too." The older one says with hiccups in between his words.

"No Jimin. I never hated you." Jungkook says looking in Jimin's drunken eyes and the older was also staring.

"Yes I didn't liked you at first, because you were so famous but i never hated you for that. I just didn't liked you." Jungkook replies gulping his drink at once and Jimin just hummed in response.

"And now?" After few seconds of silence the blonde one asked looking at the taller one, whose eyes were getting heavy.

"Now?" Jungkook repeats.

"Uhm hmm." Jimin asks with a hum.

Jungkook smiles and slowly leans close to Jimin who was pulling himself back to stay as far away as possible from the boy.

"Now, i like you." He says with a smile and touching Jimin's nose with his own.

"Infact, I like you alot." He leans even more close to Jimin and pecks his jaw softly earning a whimper.

"W..what are you doing?" Jimin asks stuttering a bit but opening his neck even more for better access for the taller.

"Just liking you." Jungkook replies with one more kiss below his chin and adam apple making Jimin squirm.

"Jun..jungkook!!" Jimin whispers the latter's name with such bliss and need that Jungkook wanted to loose all his control.


See y'all in Next Chapter:)

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