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He will crush me.
He will break me apart.
I will let him. Unknown~

*Imani's pov*

"You know where he is you son of a......."

"Oh oh watch your mouth Miss Jackson i see your forgiving him? You have such a big heart and pfff i wish i had him but i might know where he is hiding from you."

"What are you talking about?! Why would he hide from me you bastard?"

"Wasn't he clear enough when he told you that he took therapy lessons? That he wants to change for the better?...... Imani im so sorry to tell you this but i was his therapist and he told me everything.... he told me who you really are your not just a accountant your much more then that your a mafia to no wonder he fell for you. He told me about his trip to Paris and guess what even the attack was planned by the one and only Don Michael.. it was a suicidal attack it was supposed to be you who gets killed he played you like the real man he is. Us mafias never stop suprising people."

"Y...your l..lying shut the fuck up!"

"You ladies can never accept the painful truth huh?
He came to Paris not out of love for you he came out of love for what your owning he wants power he wants to take over your family business .."


*Michaels pov weeks ago*

"I was waiting for the day to find out who is bugging my fucking ass by being first place all the time, but now i know we can solve this easily babygirl."

"H...how Michael?"

"You give up that whole organization and i get full possession and profit of it and you get to stay my wife an....."

"Should have known that all you care about is money and power, you think ill overhand you my fathers years of work and power so easily Michael? I thought you would come with a better offer you totally forgetting that we have a daughter together half Jackson half Lombardi now and by the tone of your voice you don't even want me as your wife all you want me for is the money and the power, and let me tell you i will not and i repeat not overhand you all of LMO's possessions ill have you sweat for that and make you work to get maybe just a half of it!"

*Last time with Michael*

"I fucking Love you so much Imani why did you divorce me like that ? you don't know what im going trough..... you got the soft and innocent Michael out of me i cant even fucking  fall asleep without crying. Ive been going to therapy Lessons i want to become the best man you could possibly think of. I want to be the best father to Makena but here iam being a total failure. You changed my life the moment you came into my life, i know it was against your will but you changed me in a way not even my mother could. I did so many wrong things to you Imani i will never forgive myself for doing this to you. Woman i love you so much i just want you back in my life again i will fight for u........."


"H...he used me?"

"I guarantee you a big yes, just think do you really think a Mafia leader who killed women just like you would turn all soft and heartbroken for you? Its true your his babymamma and you divorced him lets not forget that you divorced him and out of sudden he gets in your life again. Ever wonder how my soldier found you? God bless Michael and his never sleeping eyes and ears. He is spying on you Imani your doing all this hard work for him while he is watching every step you take leading you into your own dea......"

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