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"We grow because we struggle, we learn and overcome." ~R. C. Allen


"Yes Michael?"

"Are you down? Do you want to do this with me?"

"More then ever Michael....."



*Imani's pov*

Which we did, its been 4 weeks since we are in this battle against court. It wasn't as easy as we thought it was, we were stuck with a very tough and stressful judge. We had the best Lawyer from Europe and spend thousands on this case and everytime we went trough even more obstacles. We removed evidence and put the blame on two notorious evil men, yet they were still feeling suspicious about the whole case mostly about Michael, he has this attitude towards anyone who came for him. Cant blame him the people there were pissing the shit out of me to.

The trials took hours and it sucked all the energy out of us but we stayed sharp we didn't give up, that just wasn't us. The prosecuting attorney was pretty focused on me. She kept on bugging about Makena
how she came into this world while i was 'kidnapped' Michael was the father and from the age of Makena they knew that it was during that period of time i got pregnant. I told them that i met Michael anyway in Sicily while i was kidnapped and we hooked up. Gods thanks i had evidence that i was diagnosed with memory loss after a coma. I was beaten up by 'Valtor' supposedly after he found out i messed around with another man and i didn't lose the child.
With the calculations that were made this whole made up story came out positive and believable.
But the prosecuting attorney didn't want to believe it. She really was a bitch.

We brought Makena to our trials our attorney said that the presence of children can do something emotionally sometimes. So our little girl was with us and she sat on her fathers lap mostly since she would cry if she was in her maxi cosi.

*few days later*

"Mr Lindenbergh this trial is really exhausting us its been weeks and theres always some new shit coming up, i don't see any progress are we losing?" Michael asked.

"We're not losing its just bad luck the judge and the prosecuting attorney are a excuse me for my language...pain in the ass. We have so many strong proof but i think Makena became an excuse for them instead of a helping hand for you two."

"Why are they so focused on our daughter sir?"

"Children are a weak spot for lots of cases within court, they can be helpful most the time. The reason they're giving us a hard time is because there are 2 Mafia groups involved or lets say were involved within your lives and Makena's life. There is a chance that they....."

"They what?"

"Might take Makena into their custody if they puzzle lots of good excuses why she shouldn't be with parents who experienced something with mafias the kidnapping and stuff an...."

"THEY WONT TAKE SHIT! No one! Fucking no one comes near my daughter!" Imani yelled.

Michael slammed the Lawyers desk hard as fuck feeling his blood boil... "ill fucking burn you and that whole courtroom if someone lays a finger on my daughter am i fucking clear to you? I told you our story! Look at us do we look like killers? NO do we look like we've been trough hell YES and all that for our safety and for Makena!"

We didn't tell our lawyer about us owning the BGF and the LMO, we told him our perfect made up story. We didn't want to take the risk our Mafia Groups are a big history in the underworld and the money the government would offer just to know all our secrets are insane .

"Mr. Jackson you're confusing me why wont you just do what i told you do from the start of this case?"

Michaels face expression changed.

*Imani's pov*

"Do what? What did i miss?"

They both looked at me and Mr. Lindenbergh took a deep breathe. "I asked Mr Jackson to marry you by Sicilian Law, I think the reason why this court is being a pain in the ass its because in the Sicilian law a couple has to be married and have children that will make them legal parents. I know this sounds insane i came all the way from Germany and i did all my research's. In the US it doesn't matter if your married or not a child is a child we'ther your a lonely parent, or got the child by accident. In Sicily they're still really strict when it comes to Sex and children before marriage."

"Are you kidding me these are rules from the 60s or 70s or something. All these fucking exhausting and sleepless days and nights was all because Mr fucking Michael Jackson doesn't want to marry me?!"

"ill leave you two alone here to discuss this out ill be back within 10 minutes hopefully decisions will be made." The lawyer said as he got up and left his office closing the door behind him.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" Imani hissed at Michael.

"Watch your mouth Imani" he warned calmly.

"Dont tell me shit! All the time you knew the way out of this mess the way to victory but you didn't DO OR SAY SHIT!"

"Imani i wont say it again watch your mouth."

"Or else WHAT! You fucking piece of shit! Im tired im so tired and stressed out cant you understand that? They might take Makena away and your sitting acting all tough and badass! You knew the way out of this all the time! Don't come with the fucking excuses that i didn't want to marry you after what happend you know that Ill do anything to keep Makena safe and happy i would marry 10 men if that would help me out of this mess! What was holding you back Michael don't play the Don card on me! Don't even think about playing the boss here! You wanted to get out of this mess with me then do something you're not a leader anymore you ain't shit now the Black Guerrilla times are OVE....."

Michael jumped out of his chair and slammed everything off the desk, from maps to laptop. He walked up to me and grabbed me by my collar lifting me up from my seat. For a minute i was about to scream as he grabbed his gun out of his jacket pocket but instead he shot 4 corners inside the office room.

4 Cameras have been installed there, they weren't there last few times when we came.... and thats when it hit us.

"When i tell you to shut the fuck up Imani then SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID BITCH! This is a SET UP!"


"Where is Makena! She was playing in the play corner!"

The office was connected to a small waiting room with a play corner full of toys and coloring books. We had clear view of her because the door and walls were made of glass. But just when we didn't check on her for 5 minutes only cause of our argument she was nowhere to be found in that room.

"Mommy! Da-ddy!"

"MICHAEL THEY TOOK MAKENA!" Imani screamed as she got up reached for her gun and ran out the office shooting every damn person who tried to stand in our way.


This world is full of danger and lies!
Just when they thought that they were going to start a new life!

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