"What the fuck did you just say?!!!"
~Michael Jackson

Ps: i'm backk! Read the previous chapter in case you forgott.

"You made me the happiest woman alive not just today but ever since we left our past behind, you treated me like a mother, sister and best friend. I wish we would've had met years ago in this way cause we really wasted some time."

"I wanna wear a white dress for you and exchange vows with you. I want you to marry me while carrying our little bundle of joy Michael."

Michael choked on his Orange juice and looked at me.

"What the fuck did you just say?!!!!!"

We just really couldn't believe it, and without thinking straight we left the money for the bill on the table and ran out of the restaurant like two criminals holding a Pomeranian not your typical escape. We ran outside and to be fair i didn't even know where we were going i just followed him. We ran to a abandoned alley behind the restaurant and as scary as it was we just didn't care at the moment.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME IMANI? YOU'RE PREGNANT!.... as in y..you have a baby! Right now o..ou..our baby?"

"Yeahh Michael yess baby!! im pregnant i really am." And without hesitation i just broke down in tears because now the realization hit me for real. I was pregnant finally i will have a bigger and beautiful family. I was so scared that Michael would leave me because i couldn't make his dream come true, but it really is true that gods plans are indeed the best plans.

Life has been such a rollercoaster for us. Michael and i lived in two different worlds, i was working my ass off all day while living a lonely life. He was living and working in the underworld with the thought that he would never see the light ever again. Everything that happend was faith pure faith. Him picking me out of thousands of women who worked and lived around him. He chose me to be his slave but it became even more than that.. even crazier i fell in love with him.

All the abuse and the pain i've been trough if it was for someone else they would definitely ended up in a mental hospital cause of all the trauma. It was as if god gave me even more strength after every harm he did to me. With all the strength i gained i had to save him i had to save Michael out of that world. And as hard as it was it worked out.

Here we were holding each other keeping us warm. Our Pomeranian was sleeping and obviously thinking "where the fuck did i end up" it was cold outside but all we could feel was each others warmth so it really didn't bother us.

"Talk to me baby"

He didn't respond.

"Michael baby?"

Suddenly i felt all his weight drop on my chest i just freaked out and stood there frozen. "M..m...michael?"

No response,
I looked up at him and screamed out loud, his nose was bleeding like crazy and he felt cold so cold.

"MICHAEL!! MICHAEL WAKE UP!!" I freaked out and dropped onto the ground holding him. I screamed for help while calling 9-1-1. It were the most scariest 10 minutes of my life. I was trying to stop his nose from bleeding he looked... almost dead.. my baby didn't look alive.

*At the hospital*

"Mild overdose?..h..he doesn't even use drugs doctor."

"We have found drugs in his blood... but here comes the thing. Its not just regular drugs its a Medication. A very strong one that has an effect like drugs in his blood. Did Mr.Jackson use anything odd in your presence?"

"N..no as far as i know he didn't he even hated medications and does not believe in them."

"Well we will find out eventually, but for now he needs to rest. The drugs is strong but wasn't strong enough to cause more difficulties gods thanks."

"Thank you so much doctor for a minute i thought that i lost him, i..i just i don...."

"Its okay Miss you need to rest you can stay the night here at the hospital we can prepare you a bed?"

"I would love to yeah i just want to be near him."

"Then we will let that happen." The doctor said smiling.

I walked inside the room and there he was. He looked so peaceful while asleep. He still looked a little pale, and as i touched his hand it wasn't cold anymore it was warm as warm as his heart. I sat down next to him and looked at him. I was this teenager who has a idiotic crush on someone... he was my everything more than just a crush.

"Michael baby i don't know if you can hear me but if you do.... ill be right by your side i wont leave you alone even better its the three of us in here, i know you hated to sleep alone even tough you always acted like you didn't care. I always love it how you curl up against me like a child in need for his mothers warmth. I know you wont be able to do it tonight but ill be right next to you until the sun comes up. I hope you will be the one waking me up."

I was talking to him cause he and Makeena were the only people i had in my life now. I would tell Makeena all of my stories even when she was a newborn because i didn't had anyone else to talk to. I know i should check myself for real because sometimes i feel really unhealthy. Im afraid to socialize, i think because of all the past events that have occurred.

But here again i didn't care anymore i only needed them and no one else in this world.
It was as if it was only us against the whole world.
But what was eating me alive now was... what is Michael hiding from me? What did he use? Why did he use it?

"What is going on with Michael?"

HEY BABIES❤️ i know this chapter is so shorttt but i promise the next chapter will be even better.
I've been away for some time and i don't want to start off with a longgggg ass chapter i want to make sure that my readers are still here with me❤️🥺

This Book is ending soon❤️


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