Chapter 3-Mangekyo Sharingan+Byakugou Seal

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Sakura does training with younger siblings to keep their battle skills on point as well as her. Usually training was Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. But today was Friday and Sakura assigned to train Moegi to work more on her Ninjutsu but most importantly sensory abilities. Sakura has similar chakrah natures as her and wanted to specialize her on medical Ninjutsu. They reach to the open field located in the small house behind their home.

"Okay time to get down to business. First I want to work on your sensory abilities. Now I understand if this takes you a while to master considering I don't know how well your chakrah control is but..." Sakura sighed.

She clap her hands together in the tiger sign and released her chakrah through her feet. It travels into several flows around her and disappears into various parts of the forest.

"This is a sensory ability I developed. With this I can travel my chakrah unto surfaces of grounds and buildings getting a rough idea of what they feel like sensing and have a visual access to other people's chakrah or chakrah sources as well as their location on the area. It provides me tracking abilities and enemy targets." Sakura explained pulling back her chakrah into her body.

Moegi stared in awe,"How far can it travel and it there a limit of people you can sense with it?"

"I can usually cover a whole village so I guess eight hundred meters in range and the limit is endless. As long as you're one the area I'm inspecting I'll feel you even if the population is over one hundred-thousand and sense out familiar chakrah flows of persons I know at the same time" Sakura answered seating on the grass to begin their lessons.'

Amazing' Moegi thought seating down too.

"You can also preform the sexy jutsu technique which pains me to say but might come in handy when seduction comes into play on missions. Now I want you to channel your chakrah passage ways slowing, then carefully speed it up and flow it out into several strings unto the ground's surface." Moegi placed her hands into the tiger sign and concentrated. Breathing slowly she passed her chakrah through her feet into three strings.

"Good..... good... now make them wider and flow out further." She said quietly trying not to make loud noises to distract her from her current concentration.

Moegi following the instructions did so with her eyes remaining closed but the strings went out further remaining small which eventually broke giving off a cling noise with it. Moegi opened her eyes with a loud gasp and fell back first heavily breathing. Sakura rushed over to her running a flow of glowing green aura over her body.

"It seems as though you're average in chakrah control but the problem is you were pushing it so your chakrah passage cut off."Sakura said infusing chakrah back into her body.

"You'll have to work on that. Moving on to your Chakrah natures, what are your earth and water releases?" Moegi got up slowly after her chakrah storage was refilled.

"I've learnt to combined them to do wood release."

"Well done. You think like me. I combine my Ninjutsus to develop improved ones." Sakura said smiling to her.

The remaining hour Sakura worked with her on healing. She could easily preform it since Sakura taught her months before. She later taught Moegi how to improve on her releases and how to utilize those techniques into combat. They decided to call it a day afterwards and headed home.

The next morning Sakura and Moegi went to the supermarket to buy groceries for the kitchen. Coming back with bags of edible supplies they went into a shack for spices. The old hunch back woman seemed very intrigued with Sakura,"Is something wrong madam?"

The woman realized she got caught staring and hesitantly asked,"Is it real? Your hair that is." Sakura reached up briefly to touch their long pink locks, it wasn't the first time she was asked that not even the fifth.

"Yes it is." Sakura lowered her gaze from the woman expecting some sort of negative feedback or look from her. Her hair has always been an attention huger and not the good kind.

"Oh don't think me rude. I was just admiring its beauty." the lady reassured her.

Judging from Sakura's behavior the old woman could tell she wasn't fond of it. Sakura and Moegi had about five minute conversation with the woman developing a liking towards Sakura.

"I don't want to seem intruding but I'm a witch, do you mind if I read your future? You just seem like an interesting young lady to me." the woman asked shyly.

"Huh? You can do that?" Sakura asked.

The woman nodded and Sakura agreed not wanting to be rude. She guided the two girls to a round table with a deck of cards and rota spinner that had words around it saying definitely, yes, no, maybe, think about it, recognize and soon. The woman explained the rota spinner saying its purpose was to ask questions and spin it for answers. She then asked Sakura to shuffle the cards herself and the place the first five downwards on the table.

Facing all the cards up the woman expression changed slightly,"Are you married?" she asked.

"I'm engaged to be married." Sakura replied.

"Huh..." she sighed a little puzzled.

"I want you to ask the rota if you're going to have children and spin it." Sakura did as she was told as Moegi looked on curiously.

The rota responded with 'definitely'.

"That's what I thought. It says you'll have three children. First a girl and then twin boys." Sakura smiled at the thought not surprised because her family was known for having twins.

"Now ask if you're going to have the baby with whoever. Say his name."

Sakura followed mentioning Ryo with the rota responding 'No'.

Sakura stared at the wheel waiting for a response from the woman but none came. Instead the woman proceeds to pick up the fifth card with a serious and confused expression.

"Did you lose someone?" she asked.

"A lot of people." Sakura answered sadly.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well the queen card means someone you lost is coming back into your life." suddenly the woman's expression changed back to happy.

"Well I don't want to worry you and waste your time anymore." Sakura thanked her and left the shack still startled with it all.

"That was weird." Moegi said. "Moegi I would appreciate if you didn't say this to Ryo. I'm sure this could all not be true but don't worry him." Sakura begged. Moegi nodded with a smile and they hurried back home.

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