Chapter 1: New dad!?

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After along day at U.A Izuku is walking home when he hears the light sound of crying so he went to check it out. When he walks over to the ally he heard the noise coming from he was shocked to see a little girl crying next to ha cradle. He slowly walks over to them trying not to scare them. "Hey little one are you ok? Do you need help?" He asked. "My mommy and daddy left us here and then drove off and never came back." Said the little girl. 'What horrible people!' Thought Midoriya. "What's your name sweetheart?" "My names Eri and he's Kota." She said."Hey it's ok, how would you like to come live with me?" He questions. "Really! You mean it!" Eri replied happily. "Yep now come on let's go home" He said with a smile so bright it put the sun to shame. He then grabbed her hand as he picked up the cradle with Kota in it and started heading to their new home. "Well this is where you will be staying from now on. I know it's not much but it's all I have for the time being." "So your our new dad?" Izuku froze for a moment till he then responded "I guess so" "Yay" Yelled Eri. " Now go take a bath and get changed will I make dinner" He said as Eri nodded her head going to the bathroom. As Eri was cleaning up he began to make dinner."Hey Eri what do you want for dinner?" He yelled "Katsudon!"She yelled back "ok" As he waited for dinner to cook he decided to get Kota's bottle ready. Eri came out in one of Izuku's old shirts and sat at the table as dinner was placed in front of her. As she ate Izuku fed Kota his bottle. After they were done they all changed and went to bed. 'Tomorrow I'm going to need to go shopping for them' he thought as he slowly drifted of to sleep.

💙Time skip to the next morning💜

Izuku woke up to Eri jumping on his stomach as Kota cried for food so he got up fed him and got ready for school. "Hey Eri sweety can you go change and brush your teeth you and kota need to come to school with me" "Ok daddy" She said as she went to get ready. while she was doing that Izuku got a bag together for Eri and Kota. Once Eri came out they all started their walk to U.A. Once they got there they got lots of stares and weird glances but Izuku didn't seem to mind. Once he got to class everyone went silent as their jaws dropped opened seeing Izuku with a baby in his arms and a little girl on his back. Bokuhoe was the first to speak up. "Oi Deku why the hell do you have two kids with you!" Yelled Bokuhoe in his normal angry voice. "Daddy who is that and why is he so angry?" Asked Eri innocently. "Dad!?" Yelled the whole class mading ruckus. "Why is everyone yelling" asked Aizawa as he walked into the room. "Deku/Midoriya has kids!" the whole class yelled. "He has WHAT!" Yelled Aizawa "Uhh surprise.... " Deku said quietly.


So that was the first chapter I hope you liked it. I'm not a very good writer but I try. don't typically update fast but I try to at least once a week so I hope you have a good day/night.


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