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Jimin was with namjoon and Jin. In a room with just the three, they were practicing speech with jimin.

"Okay jimin, let's try this..." He let out a heavy sigh. It had been an hour. Jimin was desperately trying to speak.
"Eh-eh...." He stared at the cards jin had made. It had jins name on it.
"Eh-ehn..." He said, trying his hardest to pronounce the name. It hurt him to, the fear of it all. Jin had a bright smile on his face, he heard the small attempt of the pronouciaton of his name. His voice got soft, and he stared at jimin brightly.

"Good job sweetheart! You said it! Yaay!!" He clapped his hands, staring at namjoon who was patting jimins head.

Jimin looked up with a smile. He felt proud of the praise he was getting. Later that day, Jin, namjoon and jimin went out to eat, to celebrate a bit. It made jimin feel so proud of himself. 'i did it.. just for jinnie'

Jimin had gone to school for 2 weeks now, his only friend was jungkook. Jungkook had a sweet, deep voice. It comforted jimin. One day, he turned to Jin signing, ' I like jungkook a lot.. he reminds me of my brother, he smells the same"

Jimin giggles, shushing Seokjin.
'oh really jiminie? You have a crush on jungkook? He's a cutie isn't he?'
Jimin nodded with a cute little giggle. Jin told jimin he had to use the restroom, jimin nodded and continue to work on his project. Someone came over staring at jimin.

"well, if it isn't the little mute peanut..."

He knew it sounded stupid so he let out a stutter, knocking over the painting cup of water onto jimins beautiful drawing.

Jimin let a squeak out. His eyes started to water up

"What are you gonna do? Go run  and cry to your mommy?" He let out a laugh, shoving jimins head.
The teacher came over, gripping the others wrist as he started to walk away.

"You have been a  fucking brat and have disrupted this class since day one! Now you ruin someone else's project? Aish, when can you understand? I've talked to your parents already and they tell me you are horrible at home! That's it, I've had enough! I've talked to the councilor, she's given me permission to fucking suspend your ass for 2 weeks. Get out my goddamn classroon." He shoved the boy the other direction, walking towards jimin as he rubbed his own forehead with stress apon himself.

He kneeled down by jimin and looked up at the entire class

"If you ever disrespect one of your classmates, just know your college career is outside, picking up garbage. Oh wait, you don't need a career for that. It looks like you won't be getting one then."

Jimin was still shook and crying. The art that took him hours to complete was now ruined. Seokjin finally came back from the restroom, to see jimin sobbing
"Agh, jimin! Please don't cry I'm here...!" The younger latched on tightly to Jin, biting his fingers to try and calm down. He missed his mom a lot, it hurt him when the classmate said that.

He finally calmed down, staring at his ruined paper. Jungkook was a little shook. "Jimin, you can have my paper! I feel really bad, I'm sorry he did that to you. He's just a mean bully with no friends or a life."

A couple people giggled, staring at jungkook. "What? I'm only speaking the truth. If he's in college and still bullies, he doesn't have a life."

The teacher told jimin he no longer has to do the paperwork since it would take a long time. He just passed him on it.

Once at home again, jimin was curled up in his oversized black sweatshirt. Like a little baby, he was munching on apple slices. He didn't regress a lot, but when he did, he was quite clingy.

'apple...' he signed, wanting more as he finished the first bowl
"Okay sweetie, anything for you." Jin came over with some more sliced apples. He chewed them slowly, watching his tv.  Happily, he fed Jin one.

"Aww, thankyou jimin!!" He giggled quietly, laying on jins shoulder. He mouthed the words, I love you, though no words came out. Jin said it back, kissing his head.

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