part one.

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"Jimin, once we come home from the store, we can get you some ice cream. It can end off our family day!" There jimin was. Sitting next to his 17 year old brother in the car, his mother in the passenger seat and his father driving.

"Okay Eomma! Thank you so much for this day. I couldn't have asked for anything else. I love you guys and you guys are the best and- and... You're the best!"

His father's eyes widen. A scream came out of the two in the front, jimins brother leaning over to shield jimin.

It went black.

All black for jimin. About 5 minutes later, it was red. Opening his eyes, he pushed he brother off of him. His head hurts, his eyes sensitive to the sun

" J-jinyong...?" He shook him a bit. "Jinyong, wake up.." he tapped him again, letting a small yelp out as he tried to move around. His hurt. He tried to move it again, it was broken

"Jinyong it isn't funny! Get up! Eomma, Appa!!" He pushed them.

"Look! Someone's moving in the car,I hear noises!" Someone ran to the car.

"" He cried desperately, trying to move around. Jimin was pulled out, being held by the male "come on, I've got you.." walking to the ambulance, the male stared at the car. 'this must be his family...'
Jimin looked back. The sight was horrible. He decided to stay quiet. He felt himself getting sleepy, falling asleep once again in

Jimin woke up in the hospital.

"Hi sweetheart... What's your name..?" Jimin looked up, seeing a doctor. He let out a tiny whine, covering his face. His head hurt horribly. Next thing you knew, jimin was leaning over throwing up on the floor.

"Oh sweetheart.. I'm so sorry..." The doctor dimmed the lights, stroking jimins hair. she felt horrible for the boy.

"Your family didn't make it.. I'm sorry honey..." About a minute later, he scoffed, pushing her away and flipped over in the bed facing away from her.

End of flash back.

"Jimin, how do you feel today..?"
Seokjin put a plate of breakfast down for the boy
Jimin nodded. Seokjin let's out a sigh, patting his head

"It's your first day of college. Is it gonna be weird for me to come with you?"
He lets a giggle out, jimin smiled slightly. He signed, 'i love you' with his hands.seokjin smiled brightly watching him eat "I love you too, jimin."

Namjoon came running in the kitchen "I'm gonna be late for work! I gotta go, bye guys!!!" Namjoon kissed Jins cheek, kissing Jimins head "BYE!! HAVE A GOOD DAY AT SCHOOL!"

Not long after that, Jin and jimin were out the door too. Getting in the car, he buckled himself. Ever since he was 10, he had a fear of cars. Vehicles in general.

Jimin makes a ticking noise. It caught Jins attention   'im scared' he signed.

Jin chuckled, pulling into the driveway.

They got out the car, Jin held jimins hand
"There's nothing to be scared of, okay?" Jimin nodded, gripping his hand tightly.

"Who are those two boys...that tall one, he's so handsome!! Don't say that!! That's Kim Seokjin!! Did you know he's married to Namjoon?! That really handsome doctor!! The boy next to him is Park Jimin. There's a rumor he hasn't spoken since he was 10, 10 years old!! Wow, that's so long ago. I couldn't do that, I wonder how he's keeping up. Yeah, and that Kim Seokjin has stayed with him since!"

Jimin heard the gossiping.  He frowned. He thought this seceret spilled too quickly.

"You're gonna be okay jimin.." he sighed. He hears the bell ringing, his first class, math. This was the second semester of school, so everyone already had classes except for the new kids. "Theres one student who has all 9 classes with you. I think you're gonna like him a lot" jimin nodded, taking his seat.

"Alright class! Welcome back everyone! Before we get started, we have some new faces here!" She stared at jimins and Jin with a smile

Staring at Jin, she scrunched her eye brows seeing he wasn't in a seat. He blushed a bit, making jimin and himself stand up.

"Hello-... Aish, My name is Kim Seok Jin. This is Park Jimin, your classmate." The teacher fuzzled again
"Mr Seokjin, II'm sorry but I believe Jimin can introduce himself. And unless you're a student you ca-" she was cut off by Seokjin. Jimin was getting nervous around everyone.

"You haven't been informed? I'm jimins translator. Jimin is mute, he doesn't speak." He scoffed, patting the teary eyed jimin

"Don't worry." He sighed. "That guy is married to a famous doctor!!" He giggled and looked back at the student "yes, I'm married to Kim Namjoon."

Jimin was quietly doing his work, ignoring the world around him. The teacher called in him, seeing if she could get him to speak. Though he looked up and just stared "how old are you, Jimin? What are you majoring in?"  He looked down. Although it looked like he was ignoring her, he wasn't. She asked again, jimin still writing.

"Disrespectful on your first day?" She walked up to jimins desk, snatching the paper he was writing on. He let out a scared gasp, staring at seokjin.

"Ma'am, he's mute." He yanked the paper from her hand, placing it on the table "he doesn't speak. Are you deaf? Do you need sign language lessons? If so, me and jimin will gladly give them to you. Now go sit down." He stared at the teacher. He glared, shooing her away.

"You have absolutely 0 power over me! Who do you think you're talking to, disturbing my students?!" She slammed her fists on jimins desk. He was getting scared, tears building up in his eyes. Jungkook caught notice, pulling him away from the two. "Hey... Don't cry.. shh-..." He hugged him tightly, patting him.

Seokjin scoffed, staring at the teacher. "Last time I checked, making your own students cry and feel scared isn't okay. And you're raising your voice, aren't you? I'm keeping my voice calm and nice yet you're raising it to me. And for your information, I can have full power over you because my husband's brother  is mister Xu Minghao. If youd please excuse me, " he welt to jimin.

Jimin stared at jungkook. Oh was he beautiful.. his eyes glossened, his bright red cheeks showed. He signed hello, nodding slightly. A flash of another memory came back to jimin. Jungkooks scent. He used the same cologne.

He ran back to his chair. His next period class was art. He hoped he wouldn't get bullied by the teacher again ..

End of chapter one.

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