pt. 5

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Jimin hadnt moved a bit since he entered those doors.

"Jim, look at me." The doctor put his face in front of jimins.

"Come on Hun.. what if Namjoon-hyung came in, would you like that?"

Jimin finally moved. He broke the stare at the wall, blinking slowly with a nod.

About 10 minutes later, Namjoon came in with his white coat.
"Baby, Joonies here, don't be scared anymore..." Jimin broke out into tears, hugging namjoon tightly
"I can only stay for about fifteen minutes." Jimin ignored him, now chewing on his own fingers.
"Let's see those ouchies" he slowly pushed away from jimin, holding the boy's chin.

"Aish, what did Joonie say about chewing on your fingers? Don't do that." He slowly pulled his tiny fingers out of his mouth, then heard a tiny whine.

"Okay Hun, let's se-oop!" A phone buzzed in namjooms pocket

"Dr Kim, please find me warm blankets!" Namjoon let out a sigh. 'always wanting something Woosung.'
"Hold on sweetheart... My patient needs a blanket. I'll bring you a warm one too, okay?"

Namjoon was out the door. 5 minutes later he was back with a hot blanket. Jimin snuggled down in it, making him warm and sleepy. He flipped over and closed his eyes falling asleep. Namjoon looked at jimins eye "poor baby.." he kissed it softly, grabbing something out the cabinet. Walking over to jimin, he slowly pulled his shirt up

"Okay, so, can we order some scans? I want to make sure nothing is broke.od anyone down there right now? It's a good time to do it while he's asleep. He won't be as scared.

The nurse looked at namjoon, shaking her head no "why won't he speak Mr. Kim?" Namjoon picked up jimin. "Mute. He's been traumatized already once in life, he doesn't need more. Little guy was probably terrified out there without Jin, all alone... Thank God Jungkook came to save ya, huh?" He laid him down on a the CT scanner, then walked over to another room.

"Okay, that's good nothing is wrong. X-rays now." He woke jimin up, moving him to the x rays. 'joonie...? What's happening?' he made a click getting his attention. 'we are taking X rays. Can you take those earrings out for me?' jimin let a groan out, taking the earrings out.
"Stand up, and put your arms up against the wall." He shrugged, doing as told again.

"Okay. You're good Jim. No broken bones. You get to come home with me tonight since Jin is still not feeling well. I don't want to get him more sick by traveling a lot."

Jimin nodded. 'Can I just go back to sleep?' namjoon giggled, and nodded "yes Hun. Go back to sleep." He picked the small boy up, laying him down on his bed and putting the warm blanket on him

"Night night Minnie"
Namjoon slid the door, cracking it so there would be light.

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