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(Y/n) woke up, rubbing her eyes quickly. Starline was waiting outside the tube and something shifted in her. Her lips parted and a shrill screech escaped her, rebounding off the walls and filling the tube.

"Calm down," the doctor said. "We've got work to do. First, a mirror. We need to get you cleaned up."

The tube lifted and the robot from before pulled her out, setting her on her feet. She suddenly realized how much taller Starline seemed. Or how short she was. The platypus led her over to a body length mirror with cracks all over it. But it still showed the image.

She was shorter, definitely, an (a/t) with (f/c) and radiant eyes. She felt herself and sure enough, she had a muzzle and fur, though it was ruffled.

"Get yourself cleaned up. I have to present you to Dr. Eggman," Starline said, tossing her a brush and a cloak of some sort. She obeyed, not knowing what else to do.

She smoothed her fur, getting rid of the remnants of tears and steeling herself. She was in for a lot more pain, so may as well stop crying now. She didn't know when she would next get food and water.

She hurried after Starline, tightening the cloak around her shoulders with the robot in tow. The doctor smiled and opened a door for her, letting her into another computer lab.

A man was seated in a chair facing away from her, staring at the monitors wrapping around the whole room and filling it with a blue light.

"Dr. Eggman," Starline said, fixing his glasses. "The experiment I was talking about." He nudged (Y/n) forward and she lowered her head. The man in the chair spun around, tapping his fingers together.

"(Y/n)," he said. "I've been researching other planets and Earth was particularly fascinating. Dr. Starline was successful in getting to Earth quite easily. Before, he chose a subject. One with a voice. That was to create something I've been working on for a while. A Scream. That, and you're healthier than many of the humans, making you worthy for your body to take the changes to it, which I see has also been successful." He leaned back in the chair. "If you wondering, of course." (Y/n) didn't move.

"Well, if you have nothing to say, you may as well demonstrate your voice," Dr. Eggman continued. "I have protective gear in my ears, but this monitor will record the pitch and I will be able to use the visual to see." He nodded and Starline patted (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"Scream for me, darling," he said. A shudder ran through her body and her fists clenched. She fought back tears as she heard the robot's gun charge and opened her mouth, the horrible scream emitting from her. The sound visual on the monitor skyrocketed before all electronics in the room short circuited and died.

"Oh ho ho!" Dr. Eggman laughed, flicking on a lighter to light the room. "That is a wonder!"

"Very," Starline agreed. (Y/n) fixed her eyes on the ground but he tilted her chin up and forced her to look at his contemptuous face. "She's the perfect product. She'll do very well, especially after our next project."

"Indeed. Where's Metal Sonic? He can keep an optic on her." Eggman, apparently finished with her, stood up and began rebooting his computers. Starline grabbed her arm and led her out of the lab to the table she'd been on earlier.

"Metal Sonic will be your new guard dog," the doctor said. "Stay here and don't do anything while I fetch him." He then left the room.

(Y/n) looked at her small hands, flexing her fingers. She was a Mobian, as they'd called her. A (a/t) of sorts.

She'd never see (F/n) again. She'd guessed she'd never eat ice cream again, and she most certainly didn't want to open her mouth again, but on account of her aching and oozing leg, she didn't want to try her captors.

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