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"What are you going to do to her?" Shadow snarled. The cheetah agent, Teleporter, as the panther had called her, simply stared at him with her arms crossed. "I am the Ultimate Lifeform. You would do well to answer me." 

"If you're the Ultimate Lifeform," Teleporter said, shifting her weight. "Then why haven't I been obliterated for taking your girlfriend away?" Shadow made a low sound. "Also, if you haven't noticed, your practically paralyzed. Trying to run won't profit you anything and I'm assuming by the lack of it, you can't or won't use your Chaos energy." 

"Don't underestimate me," Shadow spat, but she was right. His limbs were numb and he just couldn't force them to move. 

"Weren't you created to be perfect? Weren't you supposed to be all powerful? If you were, you'd shake it off and go find her if you really wanted to know." She leaned into his face. "I overestimated you because it was way too easy to catch you." 

"Perhaps I let you," Shadow hissed. 

"I highly doubt it." Shadow felt the strength flowing back into his limbs. No stupid paralyzing formula would keep him down. He had business and these agents were slowing him down. Teleporter tensed and disappeared as he lunged for her. He grunted as she materialized behind him and shoved him face first onto the floor, one foot on his lower back, the other braced behind her. One hand wrapped around his neck, limiting movement while the other planted itself firmly on the back of his head to keep him down. 

"Any more complaints?" she said calmly. "My partner ran some scans on you and confirmed that you are Project Shadow, but why on Mobius are you not acting like it?" She pressed his face harder to the floor. "Start answering or we'll bring her into this." Shadow braced his arms against the floor but the cheetah used her spare leg to sweep them down. She took her hand off his head momentarily and fumbled for the handcuffs, cuffing him. 

"Leave her alone," he growled. "You don't know what you're dealing with." 

"If you really wanted to save her, you'd start answering questions." 

"I'm from the future! I'm not the Project Shadow you think I am!" He rapidly tucked his legs, kicking up. Teleporter grunted and staggered back, looking up at him as he sprang to his feet. He leaped up onto the wall and sprang off, swinging his hands under his feet and bringing his hands in front of him, landing behind the agent and throwing his hands over her neck before she could disappear. He pulled taut and she made a strangled noise. 

"Call you partner and bring her in here," he said. 

"She's entirely safe," Teleporter wheezed. "I promise!" Shadow jostled the chain and and grasped his wrists. Then she disappeared. Shadow darted to the door and out faster than she could appear there, dashing down the hall and checking every room. They had to get out of there. 

"Whoa, mate!" The panther agent was knocked flat on his back as Shadow rammed into him, ignoring him as he shot down the hall, knocking down any doors he couldn't get into. 

He busted another door, slowing when he saw (Y/n) sitting on the bed, working her jaw to get the muzzle off. He ran over and pulled it off. She instantly screamed and he flinched, but the earbuds hadn't burnt out yet. He put his hands around her mouth gently to quiet her and she shook her head, blinking rapidly. Shadow hadn't missed that she'd never cried, though he knew she'd come close before. He wondered why. Someone like her had to have cried at some point. Perhaps he'd just never been around to see. 

Both of them were still cuffed, one with hands behind her back, and that wasn't going to work in their favor when both the panther and Teleporter blocked the door. Shadow curled his hands into fists, ready to fight. (Y/n) sucked in a breath, shoved Shadow behind her, and screamed. Both agents jumped to the sides, Teleporter disappearing. Shadow moved to defend the (a/t), but Teleporter knocked him aside, sweeping (Y/n)'s legs out from under her. The panther ran over and grabbed the muzzle, lifting the (a/t) easily off the ground and pressing her into the bed, forcing the muzzle back on. 

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