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(Y/n) typed rapidly on the computer, transferring the coding of the AI as it read it off to her. Two other roughly built prototypes were resting on the table beside her, but with this tech, it was the best she could manage. 

"There," the AI said, though Shadow wasn't around to hear it at the moment. He was busy getting the weapons with Detonator, the panther agent. Teleporter stood behind the (a/t), monitoring her progress. 

"Done," (Y/n) signed instead. She handed one of the earbuds to the cheetah and she put them in her ear, flicking it to adjust it. "Can you hear me?" Teleporter blinked, then nodded. "Good. Now we can communicate like we're talking to each other, just through a comm constantly." The cheetah nodded again. "I'm sorry about the screaming, but I'm not sure how Tails did that. You'll just have to settle for getting out of range." Speaking of her screaming, the agents hadn't taken the muzzle off, and that had absolutely infuriated Shadow. 

(Y/n) didn't really mind. It saved her the effort of trying not to scream, so she didn't complain or try to take it off. If she was passive enough, maybe the agents would trust her enough. But their plan involved walking into a public place where the Emeralds were going to be showcased by a rich Mobian. I mean, of course, but how dumb was this guy? 

"Let's go check up on the boys," Teleporter said, walking to the door and holding it open for the (a/t). She nodded at the agent and they walked down to the arms room where there was audible yelling. "Oh, great. And they have full access to weapons." She kicked the door open, grabbing her own gun and pointing it at them. Detonator froze with his finger still pointing at Shadow while the dark hedgehog had multiple weapons strewn around his feet. (Y/n) glared at him. 

"What happened here?" the cheetah asked, stepping in, keeping her gun trained on Shadow. 

"He doesn't trust us," Detonator said. "He's made it very clear that this is only so they can get home." He glared at Shadow. "Why else would we be helping you?" 

"You were hunting me," he growled. "How do I know that you won't turn on us? How do I know you'll actually help us?" 

"Because too much evidence points towards your explanation," Teleporter said, sheathing her gun. "Just relax and help us out. You had one job. Get the grappling hooks, and the dart guns. We want as few body count as possible, since we could possibly be wiping out someone important from your time." 

"Yeah. Imagine if we accidently killed one of Sonic's parents," (Y/n) said, meant to be a joke but it instantly sullened Shadow. 

"Fine," he said, kicking a dart gun into his hand and flipping it around. He handed it to Teleporter, who placed it in the empty holster on her thigh. Detonator grabbed the grappling hooks, pointed one at Shadow, and fired. It wrapped around the dark hedgehog, who made several snarling noises and fought harder than he should have to get out of it. The panther simply started laughing. 

They got the rest of their stuff together, went over the plan, and got all dressed up. Teleporter allowed the (a/t) to remove the muzzle on the condition she would restrain as much as possible. She agreed, though didn't know if it was actually possible.

(Y/n) nearly snorted at the sight of Shadow in a suit, which he was not too happy about. However, she had to admit that he was rather...good looking and she blushed, looking away. Detonator looked rather good, but the (a/t) was just like Shadow when Teleporter handed her a dress. 

"It's a formal event," she said. "We need to look our best." She also handed (Y/n) a knife. "For safekeeping. Try and keep a low profile so we don't have to hurt anyone." The (a/t) nodded and strapped the knife to her leg before going into another room to change. 

"Milady," Detonator said, offering Teleporter his arm as they walked out to a fancy car, well fancy for the time. Shadow glanced at (Y/n), who looked away awkwardly, before offering her his arm. She reluctantly weaved hers through and walked as gracefully as she could in her outfit over to the car. She was very glad Teleporter had allowed her to wear a suit under so that if they needed to make an emergency exit, they could get in and out without having to worry about their attire. 

"I hate dresses," she said as they started towards their destinations. Teleporter had secured them places in the event, so they were clear on that. (Y/n) was slightly jealous about the boys' part; they got to do the sneaking around while she had to do the distracting and the flirting. She was a horrible flirt, and she didn't know much sign language. Most of what she did would be banking on the belief that no one there would know sign language. 

"I'm sure Sonic would say you look fine," Shadow said, looking out the window. (Y/n) shot him a funny look. 

"And what do you say?" 

He paused awkwardly. She looked away. "It's fine. I know I don't rock the look." 

"I think you look fine as well." She rolled her eyes. 

"The effect is no longer there.

"Way to go, lover boy," Detonator muttered. Shadow cuffed the agent across the ear. (Y/n) pressed her forehead to the window, ears drooping.

They arrived at the building about ten minutes later. Detonator stepped out and helped Teleporter out, linking his arm with hers and striking up a random conversation about the architecture. Shadow followed his example, weaving his arm through the (a/t)'s and falling into step beside the agents.  

"Have you ever been to this building?" (Y/n) asked Shadow. 

"Not that I can remember." He looked it up and down. "But from the looks of things...it would be the perfect place to keep the Emeralds, when they're not being displayed." 

(Y/n) nodded, lifting her head and looking around as they entered. She looked at Shadow when he suddenly pulled his arm away and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her against him. She almost laughed as he glared at practically every male in the room.

"Alright, this is where we split ways," Teleporter said, patting Detonator's arm. He stepped away from her, giving her a polite bow. "(Y/n), come with me."

"That means you let go, mate," Detonator said. Shadow cast a final glare around the area before reluctantly stepping away.

"I bet the food here is great," Teleporter said, putting her hand on the (a/t)'s shoulder and leading her to the food tables. She picked up a piece of food and turned to her partner. "Remember, we're only a distraction."

"Yeah, I got it. I'm a horrible flirt, though. I don't know how to flirt."

"And that's the magic of sign language." Teleporter looked up. "Come on." She led (Y/n) over to a male Mobian and raised her hand. The Mobian smiled at them, returning the gesture.

"My friend here has something she would like to say," the cheetah said, gesturing say (Y/n). The (a/t) refused to hesitate and nodded, making random hand signals and praying that the Mobian didn't know sign language. Also, she hoped she wasn't swearing.

"Um...I'm sorry, but I don't know sign language," he said and she gave an inner sigh of relief. Teleporter glanced at (Y/n)'s hands as if translating.

"You seem to have caught her eye," the cheetah said. The (a/t) continued making random signals, blabbering into the earpiece. Teleporter translated and the Mobian's face changed from confused to understanding and...(Y/n) swallowed nervously. She was not attracted to him and if this didn't end quickly, she'd end up screaming in his face.

"Well, might I show you around, then?" he asked, offering her his arm. Teleporter nodded.

"Wait," the AI said. "This is the owner of the Emeralds? You never said this was the owner! The head guy!" Teleporter didn't react and (Y/n) was left to simply nod and walk with the Mobian. Oh Shadow, please hurry.

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