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I got into the shower after him and then climbed into Cartman's bed first so that I wouldn't be pushed off the bed. I went to sleep pretty fast.

I woke up. I'm sitting up in the bed and I look around. Darkness is all around me. I look over to see if Cartman was still there. He's gone. I look around until I spot the outline of Cartman. His head is down and he's not moving with his hands behind his back, like a mannequin. "Cartman?" I call out to him. I watch as Cartman pulls out his from behind. A gun is in his hand. "What are you doing?!" I say in a panicked voice. He points the gun to his head, finger on the trigger. "No! Stop!" I yell. I struggle to get up, but it feels like I'm tied down to the bed. Cartman pulls the trigger a little bit. "Eric! Don't please! I need you!" I scream, still trying to get up. He pulls the trigger and I watch his lifeless body fall to the floor. "NO! ERIC! WHY!?" I scream in agony, sobbing. I suddenly feel something be wrapped around me and it rubs my back. I close my eyes and lay down back onto the bed.

How an accident turned into a good thing (Kyman)Where stories live. Discover now