(3) 🌹 RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS: A jealous queen

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A jealous queen

Riddlexfem! Reader
(Ft. Cater Diamond)


"No, Cater!"

"Pretty please!~"

"Still a no."

"Pretty please with a Cherry on top?~"

"Even if you make it a caramel apple I still won't agree!!!"

Ever since morning (name) and Cater Diamond had been arguing about a major topic which no one seemed to know about. Trey decided to leap into the conversation too but backed away after feeling the wrath of the girl.

Where was Riddle when he was needed?

After the roll call the Heartslaybul dorm leader vanished into thin air, unknown to anyone what were his whereabouts.

(Name), irritated by this third-year gourmet, was on the verge of punching Cater right in the face. Wouldn't that be something?

Cater pouted in front of her, "Tell me one reason why wouldn't you go out on a date with me?" (Name) crossed her arms stiffly, a flush of red dusted on either of her cheeks.

"I-I ...don't wanna! ... I'm too young for that... besides I would rather be focused on my studies than dating Cater-senpai."

Teasingly, Cater smirked. "Go on at least one date with me."

(Name)'s eyes widened in surprise. Doesn't he understand her language or is he deaf? "What? No." She adamantly rejected.

"Then forget about me leaving your side (name)-chan~"



".... fine."

Trey was the one surprised here.

(Name) (last name), the other Queen of Hearts Patriot, the most studious student after Riddle Rosehearts, going on a date with Cater Diamond?

But Cater didn't care, he jumped in joy, theoretically, and went away maybe to post about his date on Magicam or doing something obviously related to Magicam.

As soon as Cater was out of sight so was (Name).

The whole Heartslaybul dorm was clamoring with whispers and gossips, and the only unknown to them was the dorm leader.

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