(17) 🐲MALLEUS DRACONIA: A Feathered Caccophany (II)

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A Feathered Caccophany (II)

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A Feathered Caccophany (II)

Yan!Malleusxwinged! reader 

NOTE: Hiya people! Long time no see! I'm back with another part of the previous one-shot of MalMal. Gods  . .  . I apologize for procrastinating for so long. Anyways, it's a little short but I hope you'll like it. 

WARNINGS: Graphic violence, unhealthy relationships, mental abuse

If you do not like it, do not read it. In no way do I support unhealthy relationships, it's only for writing practice.


She heard the door slamming behind him, locking the metallic door heavily with a grunt and incoherent sentences. The footsteps dissolved into the void when she tried to hear for them, indicating that he was finally gone. (y/n) sat up straight, the iron chains tugging on her arms causing blisters to form on her wrists, but she couldn't care less about them.

It was yet another one of those failed days when he would try and persuade her to eat, talk, curse, kick, punch, or do anything, just to elicit a response from her. She clicked her tongue; (y/n)'s mind couldn't register anything. Why was he so angry? Didn't he get what he wanted so desperately? Her? Only though she is only present physically, but, that ought to be enough, right? What more does he need? He already took away her freedom, and caged her in a dreadful tower like a bird far away, what more could he possibly want from her at this point? Maybe it was just him being irrational, as usual. She sighed, closing her eyes in an attempt to visualize the look on his face.

Anger. Rage. Disappointment. Sadness. Guilt.

Those words remain but dry on her tongue as she breathed another sigh.

It was futile.

She could do nothing against the might of the great Malleus Draconia, the future ruler of the Valley of Thorns and the third-strongest wizard in all of Twisted Wonderland, only resist his cruelty. Who was she? A nobody who just happened to have a pair of wings. At the thought of her wings, she gently caressed the feathers, most of them had already fallen on the dark graphite floor, long forgotten and neglected during the span of unnumerable months. Those unkempt, greasy, pair of flight organs were but ornamental now. (y/n) knew that she would never see the light of the day ever again, or bask in its goodness and warmth. Those days were long ahead of her ever since Malleus decided that the world was far too wretched to actually appreciate the beauty of an angel-like being such as herself.

(y/n) hated the moment when she got to meet Malleus as her true self. She hated every day, every minute, every second of the time she spent with that monster, who unbeknownst to her at that time had harbored twisted feelings for her. Had she known anytime sooner, she would've been able to seek help and saved herself. The iron burned on her wrists as if putting salts on her open wounds. Yes, she was an idiot for not realizing it sooner.

All those smiles, words of warmth, that kindness, everything about him was veiled under which nothing but darkness lurked. She truly wanted to stain her hands with his blood, and stain her neck all the more with it. A twisted smile formed on her pale profile.

That guilt and sadness must have been fake too, right? He just wanted to regain her sympathy just like he did before, to entice her like a snake that he was just to break her more than she already was. But she wouldn't give him what he wants. If she would break, it would be on her own terms, not on his.

Her hollowed eyes stared at their marred and blackened palms, devoid of any emotion. All of this happened because of her wings, if she didn't have them then would've lived a fulfilled and healthy life, free from all bonds the world had placed on her, she wouldn't have caught Malleus's interest.

How unfortunate, though.

Thinking about ifs and whats would not help her, now, would they? She had no one to blame but herself. Her hands caressed her wings again.

If only they were not there . . .

By the time Malleus had returned into the embrace of his captive lover after his boring day as a student, a tinge of blood wafting in the atmosphere halted his hand on the cool metallic door. He didn't remember using any tool to punish her, neither did he leave any dangerous object behind for them to escape to the blessed afterlife, then how come he can smell the sweet blood of his love so heavily? The Adam's apple of his neck bobbed at the thought, his body shivering in anticipation for the first time in centuries. He opened the door in haste, busting inside without announcing himself like usual, only to meet the empty gaze of his angel staring at his visage like nothing.

Red painted the inner walls of the darkroom, the smell of rust filling every nook and cranny as it enveloped his senses, and in front of laid two dead corpses of the once beautiful pair of wings in a pool of blood, so helpless and pathetic to stare at. Malleus realized that they were carved out from her own hand, the blood remnants still visible on her fingers.

His vision fled to the quivering form of (y/n), who was giggling hysterically at his shocked expression with utter delight. Tearing away her wings just to exact some revenge on him for his unfairness and cruelty. (y/n) kept on laughing and laughing, and laughing, having lost all sense of right and reason.

At that, a small smile crept on Malleus's face. His lover now fully understood his emotions, how he felt about them. That sort of love could never be expressed in terms of words, only physically marking them on one's body could this love be passed to the other. He stared at (y/n) in awe, admiration brimming in his chartreuse eyes.

For Malleus, (y/n) never looked more like an angel to him than that day. 



What are your views about the upcoming Ignihyde chapter? 

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