Chapter 3 pt. 2

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"Why isn't she eating anything!" Alpha Kane yelled from behind my door. I was lying in bed, covered in my blankets, thinking of ways to escape.

For the past week, I've just been setting the food trays outside my door, only drinking water so I wouldn't dehydrate.

"Leave us," Kane ordered. I heard the guard's footsteps disappear before the door opened loudly, banging against the wall and startling me.

He was seething with rage. Anger consumed him.

"Get up," Alpha Kane demanded sternly. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, hoping that I could fool him into leaving.

"I know you're awake, little rogue. I can hear your breathing." I could basically hear the smirk on his face. I mentally face palmed myself for being so stupid and sat up on the bed. He was an Alpha, which meant his senses were heightened way beyond normal wolves.

"My head hurts," I said, staring him right in the eyes. A bold move on my part. This gesture showed I wasn't afraid and was prepared to challenge him.

With the awful week I've had, I've started to forgo customs and rules, opting for not caring at all. Not only was I starving, but I was sleep deprived and I was consumed by fear.

But the foolish wolf within me still bowed and responded to his commands like a coward. I am a low-ranking wolf, after all. It's in my nature to respect any Alpha—mate, or not. My own wolf howled in pleasure when he responded with pride.

Ew. Gross.

"So, I see the little one has her sass back." He took a step closer towards me. My heart skipped a beat, but I wouldn't let it show. Though, to be honest, he probably already heard it.

"I never lost it."

His smirk slowly faded and his eyes became dark. "Eat," he growled at me. I winced in fear as he gripped my shoulders. I was still afraid of him. I still hated him.

"Why should I?" I whimpered, scared to raise my voice any higher.

"Because you'll die if you don't! I will not let you die on me." His voice became merely a whisper toward the end, but I could feel his wolf starting to come out.


I had no control over myself nor my wolf. It was like my inner thoughts were surfacing and all I could think about was how he had hurt me. How he would probably do it again.

Stop this! My inner wolf snapped at me. I pushed her away.

His eyes turned liquid gold right in front of me; a sign he was losing control over himself. "No? Are you disobeying a direct order?"

"You can't control me," I blurted out.

It was too late.

The mistake had been made, and seeing the way his lips pulled back in a snarl had me shaking. His canines elongated and his nails dug into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to upset you," I said quickly, covering my mouth with my hands. I could feel the tears slowly from behind my eyes as I thought about the pain. The pain of his hands, the pain of jealousy. All of it.

All at once he let go of me and I started breathing normally again. I felt my shoulders relax and my body melt. He stepped back and closed his eyes, regaining some composure.

The room started to smell like him. He engulfed me with his scent and I was drowning in it. Surprisingly, I didn't mind drowning, if only for a moment.

"What are your favorite foods?" he asked me after a few seconds.

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