Chapter 15

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*Warning: Long Chapter*


Claim me!

What in the Goddess's name got that silly idea in his head? There was no need to claim me, especially when I had a book of magic to keep the bond at bay.

I turned my head slightly, feeling heat against my face. "You're joking, right?" I pushed back a frizzy strand of hair from my eyes. 

He glared, pulling at my wrist and forcing me to look at him. "Do I look like I'm joking?" he growled. 

In all honesty, no he didn't. He was as serious as a father chastising his child for almost hurting himself. The look he gave me was deadly.

"Kane, you can't," I stated, rising to my knees. He shifted up on his elbows and raised an eyebrow. I could clearly see the question lingering on his face. "What about Katherine? Your pack?"

The idea of ruining his pack devastated me. Without a luna, the order would crumble. His forces would be weaker, his defenses unstable, and if shit hits the fan I'd be the one to blame. 

He reached out to cup my cheek again, but I pulled away before he could touch me. Having his touch made me fall under his spell- or rather, fall under the bond's spell.

He closed his eyes and sighed aggressively, obviously annoyed by my refusal. "Katherine doesn't matter when you're dying."

Again, I had a spellbook waiting in my room. I'd just have to avoid Mr. Red Eyes the next time I used it. Besides him, there was no immediate danger to it, just a bit of magical wind and a knock to the head.

"And the pack?" I asked standing. He stood, too, shielding me from the open view of the cell's bars. I was aware I was naked, but I didn't seem to care as much as I might have before. I new sense of security and ease came from being with Kane. And being naked was the least of my problems.

"The pack is strong enough," he said almost to himself as if he were trying to convince himself of that fact. 

How could I take a luna from a pack? That would be like ripping out the heart from a body. The body would die, just like a pack. The care and warmth, much like blood, would not flow. The pack would bleed until there was nothing left. 

And Kane loved her. Despite my jealousy and hatred toward the woman, she had given him many years of love, and he in return. The mate bond created a connection, but it didn't take one away. Within his heart, in a space only reserved for her, would be Katherine. 

I extended my hand and touched his shoulder lightly, giving us enough distance so I could control the tingles in my arm. Then I smiled, reassuring him that I was okay.

"We can't... I can't."

His eyes darkened even with my encouraging words and calm manner. He jerked my hand away and took a menacing step toward me. 

"I will save your life, Leah. Even if that means claiming you by force," he threatened in a low, dark tone. 

Shivers coursed all over my skin. His shadowed promise sent goosebumps prickling up and down my shoulders and forearms. How was I going to control this beast if I couldn't control my own body's reaction to him?

"Kane, listen to me..." He stepped dangerously closer until our breaths mingled into one air. "...I won't let you claim me."

He snarled. "And I won't let you die!"

Taking a hold of my shoulders, he shook me barbarically until I winced back with fear. 

I had forgiven him for his past actions, but I still didn't fully trust him, and that was one of the main reasons why I refused to claim Kane. Without trust, our claim would be a lie. We would be lying to the Moon Goddess. 

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