Chapter 17 pt. 4

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I reached out and touched Kane's shoulder. He was tense, still balling his hands together and turning redder by the second. He jerked away with a growl, glaring at me over his shoulder. Stunned, and surprisingly hurt by his rejection, I took a step back. 

Andreas was at my side, pulling me by the elbow to the adjoining hallway. I didn't know what was happening. After Markus left, the world unexpectedly didn't start spinning again. We were all still frozen in time, stuck. 

Nika took hold of Kane's shoulders firmly, pulling him as far away from me as he could get within the confines of the room. Ekon stood off to the side, arms crossed, scowling down at the floor, eyes glazed over. Kane was panting, hardly taking in enough air to breathe as Nika forced him into one of the cushioned chairs by the chess table. 

Then they were out of view. The last things I saw were Kane's glowing eyes, dark gold yet slowly fading to black. That's odd, I thought as Andreas continued to pull me in the direction of my room. Was he that angry? Could he not stop?

"What's wrong with him?" I asked when we were safely out of earshot, turning in the direction of the east wing.

He sighed, releasing me as we got up the stairs. "His anger got the best of him," he said, nudging me with his arm. I shifted as we walked, guilt and shame rising to the surface. Andreas noticed my discomfort and grinned. "He'll be fine. Besides, it had nothing to do with you," he beamed trying to cheer me up.  It worked, but only for a short moment. 

When we reached my room, I invited him inside. He glanced around nervously until I insisted that he kept me company. In truth, I needed him as a distraction. Every time my mind replayed what happened, the urge to run downstairs and hug Kane got stronger, and I doubted he wanted to see me right now. 

"Let me rephrase," Andreas said as he entered, eyes roaming and taking in the bland, messy state of my living quarters. He moved along the wall to my dresser, then wiped an oddly long finger against its surface, picking up dust and leaving a trail behind. "His current anger has nothing to do with you. As far as I can tell, he was inraged by Alpha Markus's bold claim on you."

Moving a strand of hair from my face, I asked, "So what you're saying is that he will be angry with me? What did I do? It wasn't like I asked to be found at the cabin. We didn't know Markus had searchers in the woods!"

"He's angry that you ran away in the first place, Leah!" Andreas snapped. Realizing what he did, he looked out the window and exhaled slowly. "In some irrational part of his brain, he blames you for the upcoming conflict with Markus. He keeps telling himself that he would've found you if you had stayed in your pack." 

He glanced at me long enough to see the sadness in my eyes, then turned toward the mirror. "I think he's an idiot for thinking that," he muttered under his breath. 

Seeing the bright red scratch on his forehead through his reflection, I move to the bathroom to find a cloth and a bandaid. When I came out, Andreas was sitting on my bed, head in his hands, eyes closed. 

Trying to force a smile, and failing, I tilt his chin and inspect the cut. It wasn't bleeding anymore, but the healing was slower than expected. Hastily, he shooed away my hands from his face and blushed. 

Frowning, I gipped his jaw and pulled him closer, pressing the damp cloth to the cut to clean it. "Why don't you heal faster?" I asked curiously. Not taking my eyes away from his forehead, I could tell he was anxious to tell me. I applied a small amount of pressure and produced a groan. 

"I'm not of real gamma blood," he said pushing my shoulders away. I sat back on my heels, letting my knees bury themselves into the mattress and my toes curl around the sheets, holding the wet cloth on my thigh. 

He continued. "Gamma Horace was Alpha Korran's third in command. He died leaving no heirs, so Kane had to choose. Being his best friend since birth, it was expected of me to become part of his council, I just didn't get any of the perks." He shrugged his shoulders at that. 

"So Kane's father had a gamma who didn't find his mate? How is that possible?"

Moving back, he leaned back on his hands and looked at me. "Some say his mate was never born," he whispered angling his head so he was level with my eyes. "Or...that his mate was turned into a bloodsucker!"

Startled, I slapped his arm, forcefully pushing away from him, and let out the breath I was holding. "That's not funny!" I scolded as he laughed, holding his chest. 

Deep, vibrant red eyes flashed in my vision as I stared at my dresser. The book laid quietly hidden beneath folded panties and socks in the back of the top drawer, a place where no one but me knew where it was. 

If the legends Wendy told me were true, then Wendy and I were the only persons who knew of its real existence. I was determined to keep it that way.

Seeing that the scratch was healing better after being clean, I picked up the plastic-wrapped bandaid and opened it. It was a peach color on one side and a film grey on the other. Placing the white pad against the wound, I rubbed the sticky grey side on his skin to make sure it stayed in place, then relaxed against the headboard. 

"I can still heal," he mumbled like a child. He reached up and touched the bright colored strip on his forehead, frowning to himself and saying he looked silly.

"That doesn't mean it still can't get infected! You heal slower, dumbnuts, so bacteria can still get inside and cause infections. You're a wolf, not Superman."

He looked over and laid his hand against my arm. "You know, I never had a sister," he said with a smile. A sad one. 

I placed my hand on his, sensing a deeper meaning to his words. A gripping need to love him like a mother took hold of my heart and pushed me to wrap my arms around his shoulders, hugging him.  

"I'm scared," I told him honestly after pulling away. Looking at the closed door of my bedroom, I imagined Kane standing outside, listening in. "I never meant to cause any harm to your pack," I said still staring at the door. Was he there? Could he hear me? In my heart, my racing, pounding heart, I wished he could.

 "Cinnabon, listen," Andreas said warmly, drawing my eyes away. "You didn't know. And as far as anyone is concerned, especially that old bastard, this is your pack, too. No one is going to hurt you while you're here."

"Will Kane ever forgive me?"

He wiped away the stray tears from my cheek. He chuckled. "It's you who has to forgive him."

"What do you-"

Andreas jerked away and stood, a smile widening his carved cheeks and brightening his eyes. He kept his body facing the doorway, expecting something or someone to appear. Holding my breath, I waited, too.

And waited.

And waited.

With the beaming smile still plastered on his face, Andreas left with the bandaid still stuck to his face. I wanted to tell him but decided it would be funnier if he discovered it on his own. 

After he left, and the messy, unkempt room fell silent, I still waited, hoping Kane would pass by or walk through the hallway. He didn't, and I cried. I cried because the man I wanted to hold me, to protect me, was protecting me from himself. 

I cried because I knew the only way to protect the people I loved would be to leave soon. 

Very soon.

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