Chapter 10 pt.2

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"You still haven't told us why the girl means so much," Ekon mumbled from the driver's seat, his arms folded over his chest as he stared out the window. Nika grunted.

Ekon's eyes followed the gravel road forward and landed on Leah's form, leaning out the window with her dark hair blowing in the wind. He sniffed the air and cringed.

"She a rogue, Kane. Can't you smell it?" He darted my way and then back to the girl. "She smells like wet dog mixed with cinnamon."

I coughed away a growl. 

"What makes her more special than the others?" Nika grumbled behind me. He was staring at me through the rearview mirror. 

"Why are you questioning me?" I snapped, jerking the wheel with me as I turned my body to face them. Both guys grabbed on to the nearest object- Ekon, the dashboard, and Nika, my headrest- as I straightened out the car. 

"Are you two related?" Ekon questioned, releasing the dash and combing through his blonde hair. 

"Alla, no!" 

The idea that Leah and I were related disgusted me more than rogues. I had to get that image out of my head before it drove me mad. 

Leah's right arm stuck out even further from the car, flying around with the wind. She rolled her head back and laughed, smiling up at the sky with the most beautiful smile. 

"You're hiding something from us, Alpha," Nika observed, his eyes scrutinizing me like he could read into my thoughts. My thoughts on her. My thoughts with my wife. My thoughts about the future. 

I had no idea what I was going to do.

I couldn't divorce Kate, the pack needed a luna, but I couldn't reject Leah. Every atom in my being cried out for her. Rejecting her would turn me into a monster, both as a man and a beast. 

There had to be some way I could keep them both. I'd hide Leah, pretend that we were actually related- maybe a cousin or distant niece- and still keep Kate by my side. The plan would completely stop the gossiping, and I can carry on having them both.

A growl erupted from my chest. My hands clenching the already fractured wheel. 

You are one sick freak, Kane! I yelled at myself. 

"I'm hiding nothing!" Gnashing my teeth, I ordered them to be silent. I didn't want to hear any more about the little rogue. She has been a pain in my ass since the day she came to me. A giant thorn in my side that I couldn't seem to shake.

This wasn't a normal mating. The Goddess knew I was already married. She knew I loved another, and yet she gave me a petulant child to look after. A little girl who didn't know the trouble she caused by running away.

I couldn't help thinking about the searchers.

They were crossing my territory line, searching for a rogue who had supposedly escaped from Alpha Markus, alpha of the Marble pack. They wanted Leah. They were looking for my mate.

I broke a bookshelf the instant I was notified. 

And a mirror.

And a table.

Pictures might have been damaged as well.

I didn't understand why I reacted the way that I did. Envisioning anyone trying to hunt down my little rogue rammed a ball of hatred and anger within me. I saw red for hours. No one could calm me down expect her, but I knew I couldn't see her. I couldn't even look at her without feeling ashamed of what I did. 

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