Chapter 13 pt.2

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Matt Lanter will always have a special place in my heart. *Sigh*


Lander stood and reached out his hand. His fingers motioned for me to follow him, so I took his hand, reveled in the feeling of his grip, and allowed him to escort me across the now empty golden field.

"There is one way you can repay me," he said hinting at mischievousness. He jerked my arm forward and tackled me to the ground. I hit the grass-covered dirt with a loud thud. "You can spare with me."




"No way!" I giggled, covering my mouth with my arm. The dew-covered grass, still wet from the morning, soaked the back of my shirt and jeans. 

I tried sitting upright, but Lander pushed my stomach down with his forearm, pressing me even harder into the uneven patch of dirt. 

"One match, Leah. That's all I'm asking for," he said with a delighted smile. 

"No!" I laughed, unable to contain my joy. "You'd kill me." I shook my head vigorously, putting emphasis on my decision. 

He pushed back and rested on the balls of his feet, placing his hands on his thighs. "I'll go easy on you," he said.

I raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips. Lander was such an easy person to read. The moment I thought that, though, Kane's face came to mind. His straight nose, chiseled jaw, and high cheekbones, his sharp, plump lips, and his eyes. 

 I would be able to make Lander fall for me, I thought. It would be too easy. 

Lander's head titled like a puppy's, curious about the world around him, more specifically speaking, curious about me. I could see my reflection in his dazzling blue eyes, and I could imagine the way he saw me. Pretty new girl, with a mysterious aura around her. No one knew for sure why she was here, but it didn't matter much on the why. It was more about who I was rather than why I was here. 

Feeling the tingle in my toes and my legs tensing, I shifted my position on the ground and sat straighter, closer to my target. He had no idea what I was planning, other than I had already said no twice. 

He was stunned when I pounced on him. 

We shuffled around, flipping each other until we crashed into a large log a few feet away. Clinging to him, I stopped myself from flying over the piece of dead wood. We were arranged in a way that looked like I was straddling his hips, and for the most part, I was. I leaned my head against the bark of the log, while Lander had his hands around my shoulders.

His chest rumbled with laughter.

"You almost got me," he said still laughing. Tears sprinkle the corners of his eyes, rolling down his temple, and into his hair. 

"Almost?" I questioned. 

Lander jerked his left side and we went rolling again. When we stopped, he was now on top of me, holding me down with the weight of his body. His legs trapped my hips and his hands ensnared my wrists, forcing them into an unwillingly stationary position. 

In the distance, Wendy's small form stood abruptly, watching us struggle for control. She was about the start walking our way, but Andreas stopped her, hugging her around the shoulders and tucking her to his side. 

"Will you spare with me now?" he asked looking down at me. I held his gaze, losing myself in the clearness of his irises. They looked like clean-cut gems.

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