Jenna's Opinion

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I wonder what it was like being in the city? Would it be fun? Who knows. You see it's 2025 and the world has changed a little. But not as much from the past 10 years that happened from the launch of a new company that "changed our lives forever" but I didn't believe in things like that. I believed in nothing of such crap about making our lives the better. To me, it all depends on us if we want to decide to live a better life. But that's just me. Yes I'm just big day dreamer. Sorry let me introduce myself.

Jenna. Jennifer Bonnita Anne Rosselle Flitzpatrick Rumburdra A. Hughs. Six names, one middle initial and a family name. Why so long? Tell that to my parents who had the idea of naming me all their siblings.

But don't worry, from here on out. I'm just Jenna.

Now that's out of the way I'll tell you something. I'm confused. Yes, no surprise there. A confused 15 year old. No suprise in that. But my confusion is specific-- it's these pills.

"Jenna! Phone call!"

I stopped my day dreaming again. I always do this, just talking like someone is in my room from a different world just waiting for me to tell them this world, this reality I live in. It was Gran Gran, that's what I call my grandmother.

"Just a sec Gran Gran." I did it again. I gave her that tone as if I was annoyed by her. I didn't mean to give that tone to people... but I just

I got out of bed and and put on my favorite slippers with the bunny head eating carrots. I walked down the steps walking past my cousin watching the news.

"Good Morning America. Today we have just reported that Qualvalle Inc. has created three new skill set pills for the market to consume. These new pills are Archery, Photography, Literary skill sets. These are good to those individuals who need to take up their free time on some quite interesting hobbies. We actually have Donna Blake to talk to the CEO of the company, Blaire Hollows Qualvalle."

I shrugged at the TV screen. I have mixed feelings to this company. I have to give them props to have such a diverse type of products that worked all around us. They definately have some decent and... not so decent inventions. The empty-bottle payment system is my favorites, instead of paying coins to ride a subway, they take empty bottles as payment for the subway. I watched more.

"Thank you Jeffrey. Here I am with the man himself, Blaire Qualvalle!"

"Hello and good morning to all you watching."

"So Mr. Qualvalle. What do you think is the future of these ground-breakimg pills?

"They would be the future of medicine. For instance..."

I was completley mesmerized with it. I don't know where I stand to this new feet of the future. Some controversy say that it could be as addicting as heroine and containes a large amount of dopamine but that's about it. The Company itself is hiding all scandalous things that the people have complained with numerous false information. I get what they're trying to do but it's also gimmicky to me.

"Awful things, aren't they?" Said my 19 year old cousin, Meagen. "Aren't you doing some research about it for college?" I replied with a quick tone that could come from a younger sibling. "Funny. Anyways, the phone call?" "Oh yeah." Again. Daydreamer. I picked the phone up and answered the reciever.



"Mom!?! Where's dad!?" I was crying of happiness, mom and dad work is in the city. They're held captive in the city because we are forced to pay such an outrageous price for both me and my cousin and the house. We're both straight A students and we're doing everything we can to show them that we're doing good.

"On his shift. His boss offered him a raise if he works the 24 hour shift and he accepted. He'll be coming home any minut- Oh! Speaking of your old man."

"Jenny! My sweet baby girl!" Yes my dad's a suck up about me, he always wanted a son but my mom said: "The minute he saw you, he took it all back."

"How's the city?"

"Good news." Okay my mom interupted my dad. Typical mom moment for me.


"You and Meagen are coming to the city for a month long Vacation!"

My eyes widened and I tried to contain the silent screams in my mouth. I swiftly looked at Meagen. "Meagen? Is what my mom said... true.." as I stuttered every word to try to get a single breath. "Oh yeah, I needed to go to the city because I'm writing a thesis, an essay, and a report of the new medicinal breakthroughs. And if you know new breakthroughs, its the city. And I wanted you to tag along since Uncle Brad and Aunt Tina don't live far off from where I'll be temproarily staying in the city."

"Whe-when are we go-goi-going?"

"A couple of days from now. We wanted to tell you sooner but I knew you were gonna say yes either way plus it is your birthday in a couple of weeks. So here's my gift to you."

"Oh yeah. It's gonna be my birthday. Heh.. totally forgot."

I pinched myself. This can't be happening. But it is, my two biggest dreams (as of now) go to the city, and hang out with my parents for more than a week.

"Wait what about Gran Gran?"

"Don't worry dear. I'll take care the house and make sure its spick and span!"

Gran Gran's a lovely woman. Ever since Grandpa died 4 years ago and Mom and Dad went to the city, she had to get out of retirement and work at our local diner as a cook. She is our pillar and I could not near the fact that she'll be left alone.

"Don't worry Jenna, I'm fine here. Besides, if it means having the tv for my cooking channel. Then i'm in Heaven." Of course it's my Gran Gran after all.

"I'll pack my bags!"

"Wait! We still have to-" I ran up and shut the door. I'm going. I'm finally going. Andyson City here I come!

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