Jessie's Problem

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Tired, that's what I am. I'm tired of my stupid life. Im perfectly fine really. But the main problem is the brashness of my school's students to my friends, Linda Johnson and Donny Fartugo. You see we are the best of friends, inseperable. The three muskiteers! Les Triplette de Belleville! But people favor me from the three of us. Why? Because they say I'm "handsome" but that's just it. I absolutely positively HATE people who only talk to other people who they thing are good looking. Subjective wannabees.

I'm sick of it. They're just using me. "Hey Jessie let's hang out but only you. Sorry Lin-Lin and Danny!" That's what you treat them? Like they don't exist in my life? The reason why I don't go to some kid's pool party is because no one wants to invite my friends. I'm comfortable with them not with some snobs how are just DUPLICITOUS!

"Hey Jessie." Jamey comes in. He's a fairly okay. But there's just one thing that urks me about him, he's a know it all. "Seriously? That's not how you eat with a chopstick" "Technically that's the phsyocoligical embowlment to the deeper meaning of a sub-cultures mild nuerotic emphasis in wildlife." "Nice spelling of serendipitous" We get it Jamey, your smart but that doesn't mean we need to know about it.

"Oh hi Jamey..."

"Biology's up, want to be my lab partner?"

"Oh.. well I would say yes but.. uh I promised Donny I would be his lab partner."

"Oh really? Why do you guys always become lab partners geez. What are you two? Gay for each other?" Him and his fucking jokes.

"Funny Jamey.." I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Seriously Jessie, just ditch him, why can't he just find his own partner? Come on you know you need me in Biology."

Hah, narcisistic prick. The only reason Donny can't get another lab partner is because no one wants to since he's "unpopular"? Bullshit. Remember when I said Jamie's an okay guy? Oh he's just the tip of the ice-berg. Remember when I said their just using me?  Well it's all because I'm the nephew of the CEO of Quallvalle industries, Blaire Hollows Quallvalle. Because my bloodline is like a "blessing" to this city. People of my family are treated like Cleopatra with her man-servants. And to this school I'm some sort of the"popular kid" haha get real. The popular kids in this school are way way worse than Jamey.

"You know what Jamey, I'll fucking pass." I walk away from him to the bathroom.

"Heh you'll be sorry that you picked your fat-assed friend over me!"

I went inside the boy's bathroom and saw Donny in the floor.

"Donny! Oh shit! What happened to you?"

"Cussing man.. watch and wash that tounge of yours..." he was sprawled on the floor, he was all wet.

"Nevermind that. What the fuck happened?!"

"A swirly... don't worry.. I'm fine..."

"We got to get yout to the nurse's! Quick! We'll tell the Guidance Officer"

"Heh like they will ever help.."

"Look let's not discuss this here and now. Where's your bag?"

"In the trashcan.." then he passed out.

I carried him and his bag to the nurse's office which was at the end of the hallway. As I got out of the bathroom. Linda was in the girl's bathroom and noticed me and Donny.

"Donny! What the freak?!? Is he okay?!?"

"He said someone gave him a swirly and then he passed out."

"Oh my gosh.." Linda started tearing up.

"Let me help you!"

"Its okay Linda. Can you just call the nurse?"


We took Donny to the Nurse's room and headed to class.

"Well Quallvalle, where's your partner now?" Said Jamey.

"He passed out in the boys bathroom. Said someone gave him a swirly.."

"Hah! Figures! That fatass is useless to you anyaway!"

Bio class passed and it was lunch. Me and Linda spent lunch at the clinic. Linda, being the one who likes to think ahead, packed lunch. A tuna sandwich with kale and Earl Gray tea still hot in the thermostat she has. But before she could take a bite she looks at Donny who's still unconcious. She grimaced and turned down her head and started sniffling.

"I'm sorry.." Linda said with a sobbing voice.

"What for?"

"It's all my fault.., if only you guys didn't hang out with me.. then.. then maybe you guys wouldn't be in this mess... why do you guys even mind me? I'm just a four-eyed freak."

"Why do I hang out with you and Donny?"

"Yeah. Why do you?" As she wiped her eyes.

"Because you two are the only people who are real. Remember the first time the three of us met? I was at the bleachers looking at the soccer team while you were reading a book and a soccerball hit Donny's face while walking by. No one fucking helped him of course, those half-assed soccer players, but we did. I knew that from the start that you guys had heart out of all these snooty spoiled brats in this fucking private school. And I know that I might have a better reputation if I hang out with them but what's a reputation worth without real friends who actually  have a heart that speaks with true noble virtue?"

Linda wiped the last of her tear. "You know Quallvalle. For a guy who's really a cussing manic. You know how to say some cheesey things."

I giggled. "I do the best of my own abilities."

"Likewise Quallvalle. Likewise."

The bell rang, 5th period, Literature for me. P.E. for Linda.. she's had history.. with the students in her P.E. class. Amy Coffman was her 4rth Grade friend, she backstabbed Linda to join the "richer" girls. Speaking of the richer girls, Amanda Sueberry, sweet name, bitter bitter personality, jealous of Linda for being smarter than her. And the queen of horrible people of this school, Linda Lebrey, she's the so called "Little Miss Sunshine" but thats only because she was called that for sleeping with all the teachers and the students. She hates Linda for simply having the same name as her, really, simple as that.

"Why do I have to be a Johnson? Why do I have to have a wealthy family? I just want serenity and peace, but those three will never give me space. They won't back off, their sadists that have a chart meter exceeding that of a 100." Linda brashly said while we walked along the halls.

"Linda I know you don't want this life. But rememeber... if you were in that other situation that you mentioned, of course you'll say the oppsite. Linda if you were a mid range citizen, you would be dimwitted to know what really lies beyond these gates. You would want this life style. Don't you see? You would never be happy either way. Our life, we always find a goal to achieve because that will make us feel like we have truely found ourselves." I replied to Linda being a bit protective to her since she is somewhat of person who cannot keep their emotions in tact.

"Woah slow down, I know what your saying but I'm not somekind of patient though hehe. Thanks for kinda trying to help me, you could be a good therapist you know. Well I have to go now."

"Let's visit Donny later."


I waved and said our byes. We went our seperate ways. I need to protect them. They make... me.. sane... ever since.... no... I can't.... it's to early to sa-...say... but what I can tell you now is that...I need to protect them.

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