Chapter 2

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MusicBitchie: why are you on my phone?

GrApEpAnTa: Fuck you that's why!

Highest in the Room:

EmoBitch: why

BigTitSlut: babe, why

BigTitSlut: Shit!

GrApEpAnTa: so you and Akamatsu are dating now?

MusicBitchie: yup!


BigTitSlut is offline

GrApEpAnTa: W H E E Z E

Highest in the Room: soooo-

GrApEpAnTa: just asking but why do you decide to put up with Iruma?

MusicBitchie: idk we just became really good friends and then she asked me out!

Highest in the Room: can I just point out that Saihara didn't say anything wen Iruma exposed her and Akamatsu's relationship?

GrApEpAnTa: 'wen'

Furry is online

Furry: Irumatsu! 💖💖💖👏👏👏

Furry: W E N *wheeze*

GrApEpAnTa changed Highest in the Room's name into W E N B O I


W E N B O I: I-

Furry: I CAN'T XD

GrApEpAnTa changed Furry's name into Irumatsu Forever

EmoBitch: Ouma no-

Irumatsu Forever: Ouma yes!

GrApEpAnTa: uwu

SpaceBoi and 1 other is online

SpaceBoi: what's going on?

Irumatsu Forever: scroll up

SpaceBoi: oh

H U M A N I T Y: Isn't humanity beautiful when one person finds their true love?


W E N B O I: Isn't humanity beautiful if someone like Kork can shut up with the humanity beautiful thing?

H U M A N I T Y: Taro, wow

Irumatsu Forever: SHIP! 💖💖💖💖💖 SHINGUJI X AMAMI FOREVER!!!

EmoBitch: stop

H U M A N I T Y: Only if Rantaro is up for it


W E N B O I: Stop Kork! You're giving Shirogane what she wants!

H U M A N I T Y: So? Humanity shouldn't bother people who gets in the way of a forming relationship

W E N B O I:

W E N B O I: Come in my dorm room plz

Irumatsu Forever: HDNSIDVBENSISYGWNRKO 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

W E N B O I  AND  H U M A N I T Y  is offline

Mom is online

Mom: I'll go get more tissues and medicine.

Irumatsu Forever: thank you

GrApEpAnTa: I hope they won't leave me awake all night

EmoBitch: OUMA NO!!

Irumatsu Forever: true

Mom: I also hope they use protection.

SpaceBoi: XD

GrApEpAnTa changed Mom's name into realMVPmom

EmoBitch: I-

SpaceBoi: L M A O

RealMVPmom: I don't know if I'm really considered as an MVP but ok.

GrApEpAnTa changed Irumatsu Forever's name into Ships... Ships everywhere


Ships... Ships everywhere: yes

SpaceBoi: what are your ships anyways?

Ships... Ships everywhere: well, Iruma x Akamatsu, Momota x Harukawa, Chabashira x Yumeno, Amami x Shinguji, Saihara x Ouma-

SpaceBoi: N O! My sidekick deserve better than that kid!

GrApEpAnTa changed GrApEpAnTa's name into SwagBoi

Ships... Ships everywhere: Y E S

Ships... Ships everywhere: ok then Momota, who do you ships Saihara with?

SpaceBoi: idk but he deserves better!

Ships... Ships everywhere: have you even notice how Saihara and Ouma hangs out more?

EmoBitch is offline

SwagBoi: awww Saihara is now a Shyhara damn Momota... You broke him!

SpaceBoi: Me?!?!

SwagBoi: yesh you

SwagBoi: ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

SpaceBoi: the fu-

SwagBoi: Saihara!! \(≡^∇^≡)/

EmoBitch is online

EmoBitch: what now geez my monopad keeps buzzing

SwagBoi: ...


Ships... Ships everywhere: I'm guessing you guys hear moaning as well?

EmoBitch: yes


Ships... Ships everywhere: I hear more than one

SwagBoi: hold on

SwagBoi: @everyone

RealMVPMom and 11 more are online

SwagBoi: Everyone, press the space bar plz


P U R E:


Ships... Ships everywhere:






SwagBoi: HOLD ON-

SwagBoi: @BigTitSlut @MusicBitchie @W E N B O I @H U M A N I T Y


SwagBoi: OH SHIT!

Ships... Ships everywhere: HDBSCWUKEBRJDKSKUEJSN!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖

RealMVPMom: looks like my children are growing.

Ships... Ships everywhere: Y E S

SwagBoi: wait we need to cover this conversation

SwagBoi: Gonta, spam a lot of bug photos!

P U R E: ok!

*insert spam uwu*

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