Kokichi's surprise party pt 1

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EmoHat: Saihara
Gae child: Ouma
Weedboi: Amami
MusicThot: Akamatsu
Kaede'sBitch: Iruma
Ships... Ships everywhere: Shirogane
S P A C E: Momota
SexistLesbean: Chabashira
TotallyAMage: Yumeno
Atua'sBitch: Yonaga
STFUwithHumanity: Shinguji
Kiiboy: Kiibo
PussyCat: Hoshi
Mom: Tojo
Tsundere: Harukawa
Pureboi: Gokuhara


Tsundere: I just read the chat and wtf shirogane-san?

Ships... Ships everywhere: it's facts 😎💅

Gae child: no it wasn't

Ships... Ships everywhere: bruh just admit that you like him!

Gae child: 1. No 2. I don't even like him


EmoHat: Shirogane-san, don't be harsh on him

Ships... Ships everywhere: I DON'T CARE!! JUST ADMIT IT OUMA-KUN

Gae child: for Atua's sake NO

EmoHat: Shirogane-san stop

Mom: Shirogane-san, please listen and stop.

Ships... Ships everywhere: Ouma-kun, it's nothing to be ashamed of! Look, Iruma-san and Akamatsu-san are dating! Amami-kun and Shinguji-kun just started dating!

EmoHat: wait really?

Weedboi: seems like we're exposed

Ships... Ships everywhere: my point is that having affection towards someone isn't bad! Just admit it Ouma-kun, you like Saihara-kun and that's ok! Again, it's nothing to be ashamed of!

Gae child: look, I don't like Saihara-chan and even if I did, I wouldn't be allowed to date him Jesus Christ

Atua'sbitch: Atua*

Gae child: welp I'mma hangout with Saionji-san! Bye bye!

Gae child is offline

Ships... Ships everywhere: wait wut

Kaede'sBitch got admin privileges

Kaede'sBitch removed Gae child from the chat

Kaede'sBitch gave Mom admin privileges

Mom: I must inform everyone something which you can't tell Ouma-kun.

Ships... Ships everywhere: uhh ok?

Mom: so I figured everyone forgot about Kokichi's birthday correct?

EmoHat: wait WHAT?!?!

MusicThot: I forgot

Tsundere: which I did on purpose

S P A C E: Makiroll!!

EmoHat: I-

MusicThot: wait when was it?

Mom: on the 21st

MusicThot: oh frick

Mom: I was thinking about throwing a party for him and that everyone should help for his party

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