Mr Mood

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It was dark and I was rushing through the streets trying to get to HMV before it closed. I was desperate to get there in time, the cutest guy worked there and as much as I was sure this was bordering on stalking, I needed to see him. I rushed through the doors, out of breath, looking around to see if anyone else was here. There were still a few people dotted around so I knew I'd made it!

I pretended to look at Dvds, fighting to calm my breathing and look more like my usual self. I peered over the top of the shelves towards the checkout to see if he was working. I couldn't see him but knew he must be here as it's his shift today. I picked up a Dvd that I didn't want because it looked somewhat believable if I looked like I was buying something.

"OMG" I muttered under my breath as Mr Mood came out of the store room. He always looked like he was in a mood and he WAS a mood, plus I didn't know his name so the nickname seemed perfect. He walked to the checkout and I just stopped, someone behind me moaned, mumbling something about nearly bumping into me but I was transfixed by the man in the HMV uniform, peroxide blonde hair and a touch of black eyeliner.

I headed to the checkout to pay for the Dvd I didn't want, hanging around until Mr Mood's till was free... this was my chance!

"Hi, can I help?" He asked.

(Yes please I would like your help with how fucking horny for you I am!)

"Hi, just this please" I handed him the unwanted Dvd.

"Is there anything else you would like?"

"Oh erm... your phone number? Or just your name?" (and your cock in my mouth)

"Yoongi, my name is Yoongi" one side of his mouth turned upwards as he smirked.

I felt like a bit of an idiot so took the Dvd from him and turned to walk away, hurrying for the exit. Someone grabbed me as I was about to walk through the door, I turned round to see Yoongi stood there "You forgot your change and your receipt" he said as he handed it over.

When I got home, I threw the dvd in the basket on my dining room table with all the other dvds I didn't want. Today's trip had been worth it though because now Mr Mood had a name! I had completely embarrassed myself today and did not plan on going back in there until at least Saturday!

My front door opened as my roommate came home from work "Hey Nik, you home girl?" 

Jungkook worked in a local university bar that was more of a café during the day.

"Hey Kookie, you ok?"

"Knackered... you have NOT been in HMV again?" he eyed the extra dvd on the dining room table.

"Well, you weren't going to get me his number so I went alone"

So you got his number?? That's amazing!" Jungkook swept me up into a big hug, jumping around the kitchen.

"Well, no, but I know his name"


"Yeah I know but I've got his name"

"How much was that dvd?"

"I don't know"

"Get me the receipt Nik and I'll return it tomorrow then I'll get you his number"

I went to my bag and rummaged around for the receipt which I handed Jungkook.

"Who gave you this?"

"What? The receipt?"

"Yoongi did. That's his name by the way... Yoongi. Nice ring to it... Yoongi"

"Do staff make a habit of writing their number on receipts?"

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