Mr Adventurous

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"That really is taking your work home Shelly"

Out of all the role play ideas out there, Hobi and Shelly had settled on 'Doctors and nurses' to spice things up a bit. They hadn't been together long but both of them believed in setting the bar high to start with rather than inventing things to liven up the relationship once it goes stale.

"Well, you should have heard his heart rate through the stethoscope after he'd seen me in my sexy nurses uniform and stockings"

"I'm sure his blood pressure was sky high too since it was all being pumped to his cock"

"Let's just say he had a full health check, even his prostate...How's it going with Yoongi?"

"Wow! At least you wouldn't have had any trouble finding it. Things are going really well. He is just so hot" Nikki giggled.

"It's a shame you guys weren't at Joons meal last week"

"We don't really know him. I only sort of know him through Kookie because he works with Jin"

"I can't believe you live with that hot guy. I'd be a wet mess all the time" Shelly laughed.

"Kookie? Ewwwww! He's like my little brother, stop it!"

"Mate, I'd be jailed for incest then, if I were you" both girls laughed loudly in the hospital staff room.

"Does that mean you are coming to the bar tonight?"

"I'm not coming tonight to see Jungkook. Isn't tonight meant to be a double date?"

"Yep, Yoongi and I will meet you there about 8?"

"Sounds great. So, is Kookie working then?"

After they'd finished work, Shelly and Nikki left to get ready for their evening out. Hobi was waiting in the car outside the hospital, Shelly got in the passenger side and leant over to give him a kiss. She couldn't believe her luck, meeting someone like Hobi, he was everything she had ever looked for in a man. As well as being extremely gorgeous, a smile that literally lit up a room, a laugh that made anyone in range, smile... he was full of fun, made her laugh constantly but was so sincere as well. In bed he was sensual, caring and so hot, always making sure her needs were fulfilled before his own. Shelly loved surprising him and wanted to shower him with affection but needed to remind herself that it had only been a couple of months, yet here they were, so comfortable in each others company that it felt like they'd been married for years.

"What time are we meeting Nikki and Yoongi?" Hobi asked as they got to his place.

"8 at the university bar"

Hobi followed Shelly into the bathroom and sat on the corner of the bath watching as she removed her make up. Shelly watched him watching her through the mirror "surely you've got something more exciting to do?" she asked him.

"More exciting than watching my beautiful girlfriend?"

Shelly rolled her eyes but allowed a big smile to spread across her face "Smooth Mr Jung, very smooth"

"I'm just being honest. You are my girlfriend and you are incredibly beautiful"

Shelly turned and walked towards Hobi "Incredibly beautiful huh?" She stood between Hobi's legs and he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her to him. Shelly looked down at the man looking up at her with adoring eyes and felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach. She bent down and ghosted her lips over his, her tongue then licking along his slightly parted lips and as her tongue made contact Hobi exhaled. The house was quiet, Namjoon was out so the only sounds were the boiler, traffic and Hobi's heavy breathing. His tongue met hers as they kissed harder, Hobi moved his hands to her bum and squeezed her soft cheeks hard enough to make her moan into his mouth. Shelly moved her leg to rub against Hobi's crotch as his cock hardened, his hands went to the waistband of her trousers as he pulled them down, her underwear with them.

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