Mr Soft

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Namjoon had decided that after 7 months of dating that it was the right time to introduce his boyfriend to his parents. His sister had already met Jin when she came to stay last month and they had really hit it off. Since his sister had returned home and told their parents all about Jin, they had been dying to meet him. He was nervous but thought his birthday was the ideal opportunity for a get together, just because his sister had such a positive opinion of Jin, didn't necessarily mean his parents would like him. He reached for the shower gel and lathered himself up. As he ran his hands over his chest he realised those hours in the gym were paying off, either that or all those hand jobs were the cause.

The birthday celebrations were at a local restaurant and Namjoon was quite nervous about his Parents being there but it would be good to see them. He quickly got dressed in some smart trousers and a purple shirt and tie, did his hair and checked the time, 6.15pm, Jungkook would arrive soon. It had been a unanimous decision that Namjoon should be allowed to drink whatever he wanted at his birthday meal so Jungkook had volunteered to drive. Namjoon wasn't a big drinker but was not going to argue if someone else was offering to drive!

There was a knock at the door, Namjoon grabbed his wallet and made sure he had everything he needed, giving himself a quick once over in the mirror as he answered the door.

"You scrub up well, Joon"

"You're a lucky guy, Jin"

"Can't we just stay in? No one would notice" Jin pulled Namjoon towards him and pressed their lips together. It was a gentle kiss, his arms firm around Namjoons waist.

"I think Jungkook would notice if we left him sitting in the car"


Jin pouted and Namjoon giggled, smiling the biggest grin that showed off his dimples.

"I was about to send a search party in" Jungkook said as Jin and Namjoon got into the car.

"I told him you'd be waiting" Namjoon said/

"You're lucky we came down at all. I wanted to sack off the meal"

"Well you weren't long enough to have been fucking, unless one of you comes too early"

"Kook! Really?" Namjoon still wasn't quite used to Jungkook. They had started hanging out more when Jin and Jungkook had become close at work. Namjoon was spending more time at the university bar where they worked so it was only natural that they began to spend time together.

"Hand job then?" Jungkook laughed.

"Are you not getting fucked enough Kook?" Jin asked.

"What makes you think that I bottom?"

"I think you should give it a go because something isn't working for you"

Jungkook pulled up at Taehyung's and could see that his boyfriend was sitting on the wall outside. A big smile spread across Junkook's face as Tae walked towards the car and got into the passenger side, leaning over to peck him on the lips before fastening his seat belt.

"Hi guys" Tae turned around to greet Namjoon and Jin in the backseat.

"Hi Tae" they said in unison.

"Woah! Premature ejaculation and saying things at the same time... when's the wedding?"

"How do you put up with him, Tae?" Namjoon asked.

"He's a great fuck!" Tae replied and Jungkook choked on his own saliva "Tae! You never fail to shock me!" Tae just giggled and blushed, looking away.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were pleased to see that they were the first one's to arrive. They were shown to their table and as they sat down, Namjoon saw his Parents arrive and went to greet them. All his anxieties melted away as he embraced his Mum and Dad and saw their warm smiles.

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