Mr Romantic

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"I actually think I'm going to throw up Joon" Jungkook pretended to stick his fingers in his mouth.

"Ignore him, Joon, I think it is so lovely" Taehyung rolled his eyes then smiled.

"But you'll hold onto him after his shift?"

Namjoon had called round to see Jungkook at home because he was planning a special date for Jin but because Jin was on the early shift, he was likely to make plans for the afternoon. Jin would think Namjoon was at work but he'd managed to get the afternoon covered. He had been an events planner for a few years now, choosing to avoid university and get straight into work. It took a few years of on the job learning, he worked hard researching the whole events scene, gaining the trust of suppliers and finally through word of mouth built up a list of clients. Namjoon organised everything from a company corporate event to a music concert to a birthday party and the best thing about it was that he loved his job. It did mean working some unsociable hours sometimes and limited time with Jin but they always made up for it with date nights or days.

Namjoon had had a few relationships in the past but Jin had steam rollered into his life after they met at an event. Jin was working for an agency as well as working at the university bar because he needed the extra money. The agency work was great and he was sent to work at a large wedding in a posh hotel. Namjoon thought about the moment he saw this strikingly handsome man walk into the function room for briefing. He had a black suit and bow tie on, black hair and the most amazing smile... let alone that laugh. At the time, Namjoon had completely forgotten that he was meant to have been briefing the staff on what was expected of them, instead, he just stood gawking at Jin. Luckily, Jin had asked Namjoon for his phone number at the end of the evening which saved Namjoon the moral issue of professionalism versus personal life.

They had worked through so many problems already, even their first date had thrown up some issues when Namjoon had thought he wouldn't hear from him again. He'd thought the date had gone so well, the meal was lovely and the cinema was so quiet that they'd had the whole back row to themselves, which turned out to be a good job when Jin reached inside Namjoon's trousers and started rubbing him. They kissed throughout the film, Jin surprising Namjoon when the rubbing turned into a full on hand job. By the time the film ended, Namjoon was a panting mess after coming in Jins hand and they continued kissing until the lights came on. Namjoon had expected to hear from Jin the next day but was starting to panic when it got to lunchtime and he hadn't heard from him. He'd thought long and hard about what he'd done wrong so was relieved when the text had finally arrived and they'd met up that night. It turned out that Jin had been worried that Namjoon wouldn't want to see him again and all the time Namjoon was worrying that Jin didn't want to see him again, so after a long chat they had decided to start seeing eachother and see where it took them.

Now look at them... Namjoon couldn't believe his luck and he wanted this date to be special.

The morning of the date arrived, Namjoon got up, as usual, showered and dressed ready for work.

"Haven't you got to be at work too?" he asked Jin who was laying in bed watching him get ready.

"Yeah, in an hour or so" he said whilst stretching.

"What time do you finish today?"

"I should finish at 12 but it really depends on whether Kook wants to get the stock taking done"

"So I'll see you later?" Namjoon walked over to the bed to kiss Jin goodbye.

"Hey! Joon!" Jin exclaimed, shocked by the fact Namjoon had grabbed his wrists and pinned his hands above his head. Namjoon leant over and kissed him, Jin relaxed into the kiss, mouth opening so his tongue could explore.

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